Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/15/2019

Critical Spirits

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P423 (3-15-19)

Bob George RadioDon from Eugene, OR

Don shared about his experience with his unbelieving wife. He became a believer while married but his wife wanted nothing to do with Christ and rejected the message. That led to friction and eventual divorce. Don tries to reach out to his ex-wife on numerous occasions. She was quite mean-spirited from what he shared. He said her ex-wife called threatening to do things to their son. He hung up because he does not want to be threatened. She left me because he turned his life to Christ. He also said he started praying again for her.

I believe Don called so as to receive affirmation that he was doing the right thing. He now thinks he should just leave her alone since she obstinately refuses to listen. He cited this scripture.

Mark 6:11
And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”

Bob shared these thoughts with Don. You got to do what God wants you to do. The Spirit of God is living in you and He will … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/06/2019

Maturity is Getting to Know Jesus

Original date: 10-19-97 – Classic Christianity Part 3 (2-6-19)

Bob George TeachingBob George discusses insights from God’s word. In part two, Bob addressed where true godly enthusiasm comes from, from God in contrast to worldly knowledge or fleshly zeal and the proud heart. He discusses the church, the people of God, who have been strengthened from God to do the work of the ministry, so in all things God will be praised. So God gives people as gifts to the church so that all will grow in maturity in Christ, to the unity in the faith, to the knowledge of the Son of God, and to the full measure of Christ, to know Him, to grasp how great is His love for you. Through God at work within the church, abiding in Christ, the fruit of the Spirit is made manifest. Bob continues teaching from Ephesians concerning the immature church, being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine and deceitful scheming of men. Bob shares about the proper operation of spiritual gifts in the church for building the church up to maturity in Christ. Bob provides examples of such teaching and scheming in today’s church while emphasizing the importance of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/27/2018

Classic Christianity – Bob George – Christmas P4 (12-27-18)

Bob George Teaching

Welcome to Classic Christianity radio with Bob George. This Christmas season, we are reminded of God’s greatest gift to you and me, His son Jesus Christ. We are told in the scriptures that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Our prayer for you is that you would accept Jesus Christ into your life and know how you are deeply loved by God. Check out for various resources to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us now join Bob as he presents practical biblical insights to help people experience faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

Bob George continues teaching from Luke 2 and Matthew 2. Much of this audio is a repeat of yesterday’s message. So picking up at about 15:10 into the audio, he continues sharing about the character and actions of Herod, a wicked madman. From this very passage, Bob answers a question many of us have asked, “Where is God in all this?” Bob explains God’s choice in creation, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/22/2018

Classic Christianity – Bob George Thanksgiving p2 (11-22-18)

Bob George TeachingWelcome to Bob George Classic Christianity radio with Bob George, the clear and timeless teaching on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ as you learn about God’s amazing love. Bob shares from Romans 12:9-21 what love looks like in action. He cites examples of what we tend to do in the flesh as a contrast so we can better understand God’s way of love. This passage shows us God’s righteousness. Bob then shares that instead of looking to the law to manufacture love, which is impossible to do, we should look to the grace given us in Christ Jesus so this love can be produced in us. He shares how one can inquire of the Lord of your need of love and desire to love others so that He can live in and through you. He reminds us of the proper biblical understanding of Romans. Romans is a contrast between law and grace, showing us the purpose of the law, and how misused its purpose, being made it a means of righteousness instead of a means of showing your sinfulness. Then he points people to look more closely at … Listen to Broadcast & Read More