Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P423 (3-15-19)
Don shared about his experience with his unbelieving wife. He became a believer while married but his wife wanted nothing to do with Christ and rejected the message. That led to friction and eventual divorce. Don tries to reach out to his ex-wife on numerous occasions. She was quite mean-spirited from what he shared. He said her ex-wife called threatening to do things to their son. He hung up because he does not want to be threatened. She left me because he turned his life to Christ. He also said he started praying again for her.
I believe Don called so as to receive affirmation that he was doing the right thing. He now thinks he should just leave her alone since she obstinately refuses to listen. He cited this scripture.
Mark 6:11
And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”
Bob shared these thoughts with Don. You got to do what God wants you to do. The Spirit of God is living in you and He will … Listen to Broadcast & Read More