Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P477 (9-27-19)
Nick from Loredo, TX
Nick: I was listening to someone preach the other day. He said you cannot be a cafeteria Christian. What he meant was that you cannot be a Christian that just picks and chooses scriptures and live accordingly. It is either all of the scripture or none of them.
Bob: Well, that is not true. You certainly do not want to be living under the Old Covenant when it has been replaced by the New Covenant. I do not know what his theology is. Let us take two scenarios. If he is saying that we are just as much under the Old Covenant as the New Covenant, then that person is out to lunch. If the Jews could not live under the Old Covenant, we cannot live under it either. That is why God came to replace the Old Covenant. The Old Covenant is obsolete, old and aging and will soon disappear. We do not live under the Old Covenant. We live under the New Covenant.
… Listen to Broadcast & Read MoreHebrews 8:13
13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated