Classic Christianity – The Book of John P77 (08-01-23)
The Holy Spirit Points us to The Righteousness of God, Jesus
~ Today, many people in the world are proudly standing before God in their own self righteousness. They believe in their minds that they are better than someone else, because they think they don’t sin as much as the next person. Or that they go to church every week, and say their prayers religiously, and constantly ask God for forgiveness when they blow it. They think God grades on the curve, and surely God is impressed with all the stuff they themselves are doing for God. These people do not know the Righteousness of God. Yet the Holy Spirit is showing them Jesus, and showing the world that no one is righteous, no not one. And still very few people place faith in the word of God. Instead they lean on their own understanding of everything, including what they think the word of God says and means, because after all, they listen to all the big box preachers, and surely they can’t all be wrong.
And yet we are told in the last days, people will be lovers of themselves. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More