Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P18 (09-15-21)
God so Loved that He Sent Jesus Who Willingly Died for Us so We May Live. What Love is This?
Can we comprehend God’s love for us? Here we are as stupid and arrogant as ever, and yet God Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ, comes to dwell with us. We tend to be so self focused, going our own way, but here is Jesus, asking us questions, reaching out to us, who are as dead to Him as the next guy. So what does He say to us that we should want to be with Him? What does He do that reveals to us what is lacking in ourselves, yet He loves and accepts us? What is that encounter we have when we realize how wretched we are, yet He says I already took care of your sin, and then He says, “I did this for you so you can have the life you really wanted to live but you never could.” How you ask? He says, “I will put my Spirit in you, and that Spirit will produce the love, joy, peace, patience, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message