Call-ins Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/24/2024

The Sin of The World is Unbelief in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P953 (07-24-24)

Satan and His Agents Make a Mockery of the Cross

~ We finished up the book of Hebrews just this week, and this summation point in today’s callin show by Bob George is key to what is going on in the Christian world today. This ongoing forgiveness LIE is one of the biggest lies Satan and his agents have spread, by making a mockery of the cross, inverting the True meaning of the word of God, and keeping everyone who subscribes to it, dead, lost, for they never have repented of their unbelief in the first place. Yet people are so brainwashed by the lies, and their pride in their own flesh of believing that they themselves are righteous in the sight of God based on what they do and don’t do. And getting a person to see this is very difficult, because they would rather trust in what Man says, over the Truth of the word of God. The people that teach that a person can lose their salvation, doesn’t have a clue what salvation is. Yet they will use these verses from Hebrews 6 and 10 as to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/19/2024

Propitiation - Jesus Took Away the Sins of the World

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P952 (07-19-24)

Behold the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.

~ Many many people do not really believe their sins were taken away at the cross. They actually give lip service to the word of God. They think there is more forgiveness required by God. Why is that? Because every single seminary today teaches that lie of Satan. A pastor is trained in the lies of Satan when they enter seminary, and if they don’t toe the line, they don’t graduate from seminary either. This lie is then passed on down to the sheep sitting in the pews, that don’t know the word of God either. They simply assume that the pastor knows more than they do, and this would be a wrong assumption. The pastor may know more lies, but they most certainly are not taught the TRUTH of the word of God. And it is not just in the area of forgiveness, though that is the starting point of most of the lies today. Satan is whispering in your ear or their ear, “Did God really die for the sins of the whole world?” And then … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/18/2024

Unbelief is the Worlds Sin

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P951 (07-18-24)

The Sin of the World is Unbelief in Jesus

~ There is only one sin that a person can surely repent of, and that is the sin of unbelief in Jesus. They need to change their mind about Jesus and what He did at the cross for them. He took away all their sins at the cross, never to be seen by God again. He is not counting anyone’s sins against them today. The issue is life and death. Remain dead, without the Holy Spirit of God living in a person when they reject Jesus. Receive His life in them when they accept what Jesus, God in the flesh has done for them. The sin of unbelief is sometimes very subtle too. A person wrongly thinks they are saved when they asked for forgiveness by God, yet we are told in the scriptures, that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness by God. And we know that Jesus is never going to die on the cross again for their sins. So they still walk around in unbelief, by not believing Jesus did what He said, “It is Finished.” So … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/12/2024

Salvation is Life in God Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P950 (07-12-24)

Being Saved is New Life in Christ Jesus

~ When we accept Jesus, God in the flesh, who took away the sins of the world (and the world includes you and me), he comes to give you His Spirit for Life. Life is salvation. Forgiveness is NOT salvation. The Holy Spirit, baptizes a person into the body of Christ. God places a person into His body, and we become a child of God. Many today are teaching Satan’s lies of getting your sins forgiven for forgiveness as though that is salvation, which is a lie. It’s important to understand the details of the word of God. Don’t gloss over the details. The details in the word of God say that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness by God. And God is not going to ever go to a cross every again. And when a person has the Holy Spirit living in them we are told that we are given a new heart. We now have the heart of God living in us. Allow Him to live His life in and through you.

When the Holy Spirit wants to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/11/2024

Jesus Reveals The Word of God Meaning

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P949 (07-11-24)

The Holy Spirit Teaches us ALL Truth

~ Here is a key point to understanding Truth, and that is to depend on the Holy Spirit to teach you ALL TRUTH. Man, any man could be wrong in one area of the scripture and not even realize it. As Bob has said in the past, “I could be wrong, you could be wrong, we both could be wrong, but we both cannot be right.” Those are some good words of wisdom to remember. We are NOT to lean on our own understanding of anything today. We are not to even depend on what others say about the word of God (regardless of how much we respect them). We are to read the word of God for ourselves, and ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom in our understanding of everything.

For example, most people today, regardless of denomination, teach ongoing forgiveness by God, as though if you ask God to forgive you on an ongoing basis, or even at the very first time basis, that God is going to forgive you, all the while ignoring the fact, that without the shedding … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/05/2024

Jesus Promised the Holy Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P948 (07-05-24)

Baptism Today is By The Holy Spirit Not by Water

~ When a person accepts Jesus, God in flesh, for having taken away their sins on the cross, the Holy Spirit comes to live in that person. They are baptized (placed into) the body of Christ at that very moment in time by the Holy Spirit Himself. When John baptized, he baptized with water for those that were looking forward to Jesus. John compares the difference between his baptism of water for repentance (believing that the Christ was indeed coming), with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They are two different things. And John even pointed to Jesus as being the one who takes away the sins of the world. Yet people today have equated water baptism with getting saved, as though a person needs to be water baptized in order to be saved. That is a lie, spread by those that have been taught by seminaries that spread the lies of Satan. And that is what they indeed are, lies of Satan. And you can hear it in people’s testimonies that the lies have been passed on down to those … Listen to Broadcast & Read More