Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P668 (09-03-21)
The Gospel, the Message of Grace in Christ Jesus, Must be Told to Grow in Grace
You are blessed if you are under a church that teaches the true message of grace and not one that teaches a mixed gospel. If you are in an extremely law-oriented church, then it is strongly urged that you leave such a church lest that influence continues for the rest of your life. But once you grasp the message of grace in Christ Jesus, then you will continue to grow in grace. If you have it in your heart to teach the message of grace, then certainly make yourself available to teach that grace to others, as the Lord leads and provides such opportunities for you. A pastor who teaches grace should be looking for people of like mind to teach that message of grace. It is good advice to raise a core leadership team that will teach that message with the mindset of continuing that message to future generations. That is also the model Jesus showed as he spent time with twelve men, so that after his departure those men would carry that message … Listen to Broadcast & Read More