Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P34 (01-06-25)
The Salvation Issue is One of Life Over Death
“Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:12
Religion has turned the focus of attention to self, instead of what Jesus did. Jesus said, “It is Finished!” But hardly anyone believes that. For most people today call God a liar and go back to their confession booths, or saying their 1 John 1:9s in order to get more forgiveness from God. They don’t believe the word of God. They instead run to their pastors or online favorite Internet teacher says in regards to forgiveness, instead of listening directly to God. They would much rather listen to the teaching of Man rather than God. And once a person truly is in Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit points this out to them. You can see this with others, their pride of self, their wrong interpretation of ongoing repentance, their taking the word of God out of context, and asking for more forgiveness from God. And no matter whether Catholic or Protestant, they all believe the lies of Satan. Satan has the whole … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message