Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/29/2020

Jesus is The Resurrection and The Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P36 (01-29-19)


Have you come to grasp the love of God that is in Christ Jesus? If you are in Christ Jesus, allowing Him to renew your mind with truth, the truth shall set you free. Sadly, so many believers have not studied the word of God for themselves, and have kept listening to error from the pulpit. If someone tells you that God will get you if you sin, is that true? No. God has taken away your sins, never to be seen again from the eyes of God. And that was done at the cross. There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. But do you see how a little error here and there, keeps you from walking in freedom. Who will boldly go to the throne of grace in your time of need, thinking God is mad at you or is punishing you?

Another serious error is thinking salvation is getting your sins forgiven. I do not think anybody wants to go to hell. So, sure, I will say thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins. But, someone thinking that, is he really saved? … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/28/2020

Forgiveness Does Not Produce Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P35 (01-28-19)


So often when people grow up in a church background, error is being taught. There are those teachings that keep us bound under law, by the mixing of law and grace, preventing people from walking freely in the new life God has given to those who have believed. Then there are those teachings that are serious doctrinal error. Many a person has walked down an aisle to receive forgiveness of sins, for that is what they have been taught. So the doctrine of salvation is taught in error.

Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven and that is it. Romans 5:10 and Ephesians 1:7 are key verses that, understood in context, explain this more clearly what Jesus accomplished for us, in what salvation is. When you were His enemies, lost, you were reconciled. How? By his death on a cross. How was what provided for then, at the cross, received? In Him. In Him, you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Salvation is the receiving the life of Christ Jesus. The cross without the resurrection is meaningless, for the apostle Paul spoke to the Corinthians, that without the resurrection you are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/27/2020

Jesus Has Prepared a New Body For Believers

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P34 (01-27-19)


In this mortal body of ours, you, who are in Christ, being born again, have the Spirit of God living in you. This body of flesh and blood is not suited for heaven, being weakened by the fall of man, and will go the grave. But God sealed in you the Holy Spirit of promise, to one day be raised, with a new body, an immortal body designed for heaven. We long to be clothed in our new body, but while we are on this fallen world, where even all creation groans for its redemption, we live by faith.

The same Spirit, in the earthly body of Jesus, is the same Spirit living in us. As Jesus lived by faith, with the Spirit living in him, doing only what he saw his Father doing and only saying what is Father told him to say and how to say it, is the perfect model of how man was designed to function. That is why he is referred to as the second Adam. We are designed to walk in the same manner of faith as he did.

God, seeing the fallen state of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/22/2020

Knowing God is Knowing Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P33 (01-22-19)


Mankind was created by God to be in a loving relationship of trust. We were to trust God, the one who created us. Mankind was created with free will so we can choose to love God. But since the fall of mankind, we have his sin-indwelling flesh, that is in conflict with the Spirit. The flesh does not trust the Spirit.

It seems that those who are uneducated, the poor or the slaves are much more likely to depend on God. You may notice the black spirituals in the days of slavery where the blacks relied so much on God, for that is all they had. I was just talking with my sister who observed a nursing home that was the most poorly funded and had few equipment available to help the elderly. They were the most kind-hearted and grateful people compared to the other nursing homes in the area that had so much more.

In the time of Christ Jesus, the lame, the sick, those with leprosy, and the downtrodden came to Christ before the religious Jews or the wealthy. It seems those who recognize their need in the physical … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/21/2020

Go Beyond The Cross

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P32 (01-21-19)


As we read in Romans 8, there is life in the Spirit. Formerly, the mind of the lost person was hostile to God. We do not naturally think of ourselves as hostile to God, but we are. The law is set against us and so we would rather plead ignorance. Then we can at least plead ignorance. But if we are properly trained by the law to lead us to Christ, then the law served its purpose to convince us that we are dead and in need of life.

We used to live according to the flesh, when we were lost, because that is all we had. But then when we were born again, the Spirit of God came to indwell us. We were set free from the law of sin and death because in our weak state we were never able to live up to the demands of the law. The Spirit of life came to live in us to produce love in and through us, as we learn to trust God.

But how many people have understood what it means to walk in accordance with the Spirit. Jesus told … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/20/2020

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P31 (01-20-19)


In Romans, the apostle Paul explains to us the nature of fallen man, how man is not only a sinner but spiritually dead and in need of life. Paul explained this in great detail, in regards to both the Jew, who pursued a righteousness as if it were by works, and a Gentile, who was so far removed from the things of God, the most heathenistic people there is, with temple worship and all kinds of promiscuity and evil behavior. The Gentiles were set aside while God is working with the Jews through the law and the Old Covenant he established. But then Paul is appointed to bring the gospel to the Gentile world, as God promised through the prophets of Old. So, to the Jew and the Gentile, God formed one new body out of both the Jew and the Gentile, called the Ecclesia, the people of God, made up of the those who are born again, made into a new creation by Christ, by believing the message of Christ.

After answering questions many questions that Paul anticipated would be asked concerning law and grace, Paul now resumes explaining this … Listen to Broadcast & Read More