Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/27/2019

Thank You Jesus For Forgiveness

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 3 (11-27-19)


It is so easy to forget. Paul reminds us again and again to be joyful always. How can we be joyful? First of all, do you have the Spirit of the living God living in you? Yes, you say. Then you are given the privilege of participating in the divine nature, the nature to be joyful. Why? What trust did you have for Christ to do for you? What was the biggest thing God did for you? He died for your sins, and indeed the sins of the entire world. Before you were even born, he demonstrated his love for mankind. He also had you in mind, in that while you were yet his enemy, a sinner, he died for you. He died so that the punishment of death required for sin was paid in full. He would bear the full consequence of that sin, and the sins of the entire world, upon himself, a price too great for you to pay. He did this so that when you came to see your condition of death you would look to him for new life. He was raised to new life so that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/26/2019

Work of Ministry is to Believe in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 2 (11-26-19)


Where are you in this coming up Thanksgiving season? Are you in a season of your life now where you are free to talk with your mother or your father? Or is that relationship strained? Do you have brothers and sisters in Christ whom you can be with? Well, you are blessed. God tells us to be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. What does that mean? God sees you and rejoices with you when you rejoice but He also grieves with you when you grieve. He is always available for help in time of need. And there is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding because you know Him. You have understood and entered the Sabbath rest with God. That is why we can be thankful. We learn patience and endurance through the things we struggle, the trial and tribulations of life, humbly depending on the Holy Spirit of God, who leads us from within, as a child of God. That is why we can boast in our weaknesses, for when we are weak, He is strong.

2 Corinthians 1:2-4
2 Grace

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Radio Broadcast Monday 11/25/2019

The Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 1 (11-25-19)


So often people trust the words of their pastor or some person. He could be Calvin or MacArthur or your baptist preacher or your Presbyterian preacher, or your Catholic priest, and you would just trust what they tell you as true. After all, he went to seminary, you think. Or he got trained under 2000 years of church history just like the Jews did, for they had Moses as their teacher. But have you ever stopped to think if what they are saying is true? If you are born again, who is living in you? What did he promised you? That he would guide you into all truth. How do you suppose he is going to do that? If you are born again, did you know that you have the mind of Christ, the ability to discern the things of God and make judgments about all things?

Now, we have the example in scripture where Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Satan quoted scripture, but he did it to deceive. Jesus also responded with scripture. He would say, but scripture also says. Now, how important is the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More