Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P13 (08-26-24)
When You Are Under Law, You Are Dead
~ “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23 Everyone under the law today, is under a curse. The curse is Death. They are Dead. They do NOT have the Spirit of God living in them. The consequence of Sin is Death. And Death remains upon a person if they refuse to receive Life, in Jesus. They would much rather do their own thing. Trusting in their own made up faith. Trusting in what their church tells them to trust in. Trust in their own understanding of things. Trust in their confession booths. Trust in their 1 John 1:9. Trust in their good works (whatever those are in their mind). Trust in their idols. Trust in their music. Trust in anything but the Truth of the word of God. And if they do not change their mind about Jesus, Death remains upon them. Death is the wrath of God. The absence of Life is Death. And if a person refuses Life, they remain Dead. Dead, Dead, Dead, for they have … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message