Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P10 (08-19-24)
Do Not Rebuild What Has Been Torn Down! You Have Been Set Free From Law. Live Free.
~ These are Words of Wisdom from God. If we build back up on the law, no matter what that law is, we simply prove to ourselves we are a law breaker. Why in the world, would anyone want to put on themselves a law, any law, when the word of God declares that we have been set free from the Law? Why would we want to disobey the word of God, and now try to earn God’s acceptance, by trying to keep the law? And if you want to be a law keeper, yet a person gets to pick and choose which laws to obey and which not to obey, how much sense does that make? And then, there are those that create laws out of thin air, because they think that makes them righteous in the sight of God. Catholics have tons of church laws, and Protestants do the same type of things, though they do it more subtly, and don’t really tell anyone that they are trying to keep laws, but in … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message