Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P959 (08-09-24)
The Work of the Ministry is To Share The Truth of Jesus, to Believe on Him
Once a person realizes the fact that Jesus is alive living in them, and the Holy Spirit directs their paths, the work of the ministry (to believe in Jesus) is to share the Truth of Jesus with people. However, if one does not know what the truth is, then how can a person really share TRUTH with people? We began our study in the book of Galatians recently, and read about Paul coming down sternly on the churches in Galatia for having believed another gospel which is no gospel at all. And yet today, that is a huge part of what we need to be doing in the ministry, because most people are representing some other Jesus than the one in the bible. Many are presenting a perverted Truth which is still a lie, in regards to what Jesus did on the cross. People ask today, should we be fighting this or that? And in reality we miss what is the most important thing right in front of us, fighting against the lies of … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message