Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P601 (01-22-21)
There is so much error that needs to be replaced with truth. You are inundated with teaching from denominational persuasions of men, that if you are not in God’s word, relying on the Spirit to reveal truth to you, you have this tendency to hold onto things you think are true. You have heard something so often and so repetitively from people who have this reputation of being a leader or having some seminary degree that you believe what they say. They could be teaching truth, but they could also be teaching error. How do you know? So we are to be those who diligently study the scriptures to see if what someone says is true.
Many people think the ten commandments are a guide for a believer. But if you look into scripture, you come to realize that the law was made for the unbeliever, that they come to the end of the law for righteousness, that they might seek a Savior. The law will never go away because the law is a tool for the lost. Without a penalty, the law is meaningless. And the penalty for sin … Listen to Broadcast & Read More