Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/22/2021

The Law of Love and Freedom

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P601 (01-22-21)


There is so much error that needs to be replaced with truth. You are inundated with teaching from denominational persuasions of men, that if you are not in God’s word, relying on the Spirit to reveal truth to you, you have this tendency to hold onto things you think are true. You have heard something so often and so repetitively from people who have this reputation of being a leader or having some seminary degree that you believe what they say. They could be teaching truth, but they could also be teaching error. How do you know? So we are to be those who diligently study the scriptures to see if what someone says is true.

Many people think the ten commandments are a guide for a believer. But if you look into scripture, you come to realize that the law was made for the unbeliever, that they come to the end of the law for righteousness, that they might seek a Savior. The law will never go away because the law is a tool for the lost. Without a penalty, the law is meaningless. And the penalty for sin … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Christmas P3 Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/23/2020

Christmas P3 Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/23/2020

Classic Christianity – Christmas P3 (12-23-20)


As we read through the gospel of Luke, and other accounts surrounding Jesus birth, we gain insight into the hearts and nature of mankind. We learn about the emptiness in our heart, the void in our life. We learn how we cannot live up to the demands of the law. We learn we cannot please God by what we do. We learn about our wretched condition in our natural flesh. But we also learn of the different nature that is in Christ Jesus, that we might want what He has living in Him. He does not treat us as our sins deserve. He sees our fallen flesh and cares about our immediate needs so we can see our greater need, our need for a personal relationship with Him. He sees the deception and lies we have believed and wants to be our Father to guide us into all truth, so we can live in true freedom. For error is what binds and keeps us enslaved to fear. Perfect love casts out fear, and God is love.

God reveals truth to the hearts of men, longing to be gracious to them. But who will … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/13/2020

True Faith Creates a Change of Heart

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P37 (07-13-20)


We are continuing in our study on Faith, Hope and Love. Now, in regards to belief and faith, they are different. Belief is based on what is in your head, information, but faith is what you put in your heart, a conviction you live by, and is based on truth. Belief is memorizing something, and even talking about it, but it would be like a parrot merely repeating what it heard. Now faith is a conviction of the heart, with solid convictions formed in you. Faith produces attitudes of the heart. You can place your faith on either a faulty foundation or a firm foundation. If you see a broken chair, you know it will not hold you up. If you see a solid chair, you can place your faith by sitting down on that chair. Your faith is made evident by your action. You live by your faith, the firm convictions and attitudes formed in you by what you know to be true, and are persuaded of and convinced of.

No, when it comes to law and grace, you read about the ten commandments and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/14/2020

Rest in the Righteousness of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P535 (05-14-20)


Listen as Bob explains the difference between law and grace and about the New Covenant we live under today. When we understand the truth of what Christ Jesus has accomplished for us, that we are no longer under the law of sin and death but under grace. We are now under the law of life in Christ Jesus. By understanding such spiritual truths, we can answer some of the common questions that keeps tripping people up.

Should we confess our sins to God? Yes, to agree with God as to it being wrong, and as a child of God so you may learn truth that will set you free, and so you can walk in faith. But to ask God to forgive you of your sins is not walking in faith. That is asking God to do something He has already done. He will not go back to a cross to shed his blood all over again. To ask God for forgiveness when in Him you already have it is insulting Him and is like exposing him to public disgrace all over again. We are to worship God in Spirit … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/10/2020

Jesus Forgave You - Now Believe it

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P502 (01-10-20)


One common question that gets asked quite often is about how the law of Moses applies to us today. Well, if you are a lost person, then it still applies to you to lead you to Christ, for that is the purpose of the law. The law was added so man might recognize he is a sinner, and then understand his condition of death to God, so that he might to Christ to receive new life. Otherwise, the cross of Christ has no meaning to him. The law of Moses was written on stone and is a ministry of death and condemnation. That is, the law is like a mirror, to tell you what your problem is. Although it was glorious, though fading, it does not compare to the glorious ministry of righteousness that Jesus gives to those who are born again.

For those who have been born again, the law of Moses does not apply. None of it. Not the ten commandments and not the ceremonial laws or any other laws. Why? You are no longer under the law of sin and death, but you are now under grace, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/06/2020

Jesus Died Once for All

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P25 (01-06-19)


We are continuing our study of Romans. We are currently in the 6th chapter of Romans. Here in chapter 6, Paul is explaining the law of sin and death in contrast to the law of life in Christ Jesus. All of us were born under the law of sin and death. We had been deceived into thinking we can be righteous by observing the law. But the more we tried to obey the law, we come to know we cannot obey it completely or perfectly. So we decide to pick and choose which ones we think we can obey. Well, I can attend church on Sundays. I can stop saying certain bad words, or at least not smoke in church. Yet, if we were are intellectually honest with ourselves, we would realize that the law can only make us conscious of sin.

Paul goes on to explain the purpose of the law. The law was added so man can recognize he is a sinner, and recognize his condition of death, death to God called spiritual death, in order that he might seek a Savior. When one considers that the wages … Listen to Broadcast & Read More