Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/29/2020

Classic Christianity and Growing in Grace of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P583 (10-29-20)


Depression is one of the most common struggles people face. All of us face depression from time to time, and sometimes it grabs a hold of you and essentially cripples you from living free as God intended, full of joy and a peace that surpasses understanding. When you recognize that it is primarily a thinking problem rather than a disease or sickness, then you are on the starting point of walking free. You can start replacing the error in your thinking with truth.

With depression, we often are triggered by an emotional pain, an insult or a rejection from someone. Then you dwell on those thoughts in your head, but instead of relying on truth, you rely on feelings. Then instead of going to God for the answer in His word, you resort to other substitutes that make the flesh feel good. Oftentimes those things we gravitate to are only temporary and fleeting and are not real solutions, but often make the problem worse and fuel our depression. A prime example of that would be drinking a little more alcohol or taking up that cigarette, which are really harmful to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/26/2020

Jesus Wants to Live His Life Through Us

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P10 (10-26-20)


The religious mind is still bent upon establishing a righteousness of their own. But God came that we might receive His righteousness. At such a point in time in history, a person understands what God did for him through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He knows the meaning of what Jesus Christ alone accomplished for him and enters into a relationship with the living God. This is a work of the Holy Spirit, to be made complete in Christ. When you are born again, you have been made complete in Christ.

All of God is in Christ and all of Christ is living in you, if you are born again. Christ was all the fullness in bodily form, receiving all of his resources from God the Father, and now I have been given that completeness and fullness in Christ. You have the fullness of God living in you. That is what makes you complete.

This work of the Spirit is invisible to the eye, just like the work we cannot see when a seed becomes a plant. The real work is underground, but we see … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/21/2020

Jesus Came to Earth to Give Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P9 (10-21-20)


If you are wondering if there is a God, just take a closer look at nature, such as the birth of a child or even an animal. So you can conclude there is a God, and that is a good start. But to know God exists is one thing, but to know He wants to have a relationship with you is quite another. God wants to communicate with you, for you to know Him, to know He loves you, that He is kind and gentle, patient and merciful, and full of loving kindness. That is exactly why God sent His Son Jesus, to dwell among us, to make God known to us. He came to show us what it means to be truly human, as God intended man to function, when He breathed into Adam the breath of life, the very Spirit of God living inside him.

So Jesus as God chose not to use His rights as God but became totally dependent on His Father, so we who are not God, would know how to truly live. So in doing this, man can know his condition of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 9/30/2020

God Jesus is Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P72 (09-30-20)


As you ponder over the scriptures, the many things Jesus told us, and the writings of the apostles, who explain these things to us, our minds are renewed with truth as the Spirit reveals truth to us about who we are, about our flesh, and about who God is. Again, we love because God first loved us. We respond to that truth and those attitudes of heart in Christ Jesus are formed in us. Those attitudes of heart show up in our love for one another. That triplicate again of faith, hope and love is visible in us through the love of God worked in us and through us. Christ in us is our hope of glory. We place our faith, our dependency upon Christ, continually walking in that faith in Christ alone.

We come to realize that when Jesus walked on this earth, emptying himself of his divine attributes, while never ceasing to be God, showed us what it is like to live as a man and to live as He lived. How did Jesus live? In total dependency on His Father. So, He tells … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 8/31/2020

New Creature in Christ Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P58 (08-31-20)


We will always be learning how to trust in the love of God. As we allow ourselves to get to know God better through His word, error in our heads will be replaced with truth. So as we rely on, abide in Christ, the life of the vine, who is Christ, will produce in us and through us the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Like a branch, we cannot produce such fruit, but we can bear fruit, as we remain connected to the head, who is Christ. You are the church, you who are in Christ Jesus.

The Spirit testifies with our human spirit that we are children of God, by which we cry “Abba, or Daddy, Father.” That is our true identity, a child of God, not Baptist, or Presbyterian, or whatever label you put on yourself. Those are not identities God gave. Those are identities men give. Denominations may be teaching truth or they may be teaching error. How do you know? By the Spirit and His word, and the Spirit who reveals to you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 8/26/2020

Jesus Loves You For Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P57 (08-26-20)


Ponder how God made man, that he is made as body, soul and spirit. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, what happened? Due to sin, and God being holy, the Spirit of God departed from Adam and Eve. They knew what God had said, that the day they decided for themselves right from wrong and good from evil, that they would surely die. They died spiritually that day, so that they were separated from God. They hid from God out of fear. So, being born in that nature of Adam, that fear is ingrained in us, which is a part of what is called sin-indwelling flesh.

So what did God do to restore fallen mankind back to Himself. Out of love for us, He sent His Son into this world to take away the cause of our death, that fear in us, that knows that we deserve death for sin, so that we may freely come to God. God reached out in love to us, to do something for us we could never do for ourselves.

God demonstrated His love for us in this, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More