Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/29/2020

Classic Christianity and Growing in Grace of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P583 (10-29-20)


Depression is one of the most common struggles people face. All of us face depression from time to time, and sometimes it grabs a hold of you and essentially cripples you from living free as God intended, full of joy and a peace that surpasses understanding. When you recognize that it is primarily a thinking problem rather than a disease or sickness, then you are on the starting point of walking free. You can start replacing the error in your thinking with truth.

With depression, we often are triggered by an emotional pain, an insult or a rejection from someone. Then you dwell on those thoughts in your head, but instead of relying on truth, you rely on feelings. Then instead of going to God for the answer in His word, you resort to other substitutes that make the flesh feel good. Oftentimes those things we gravitate to are only temporary and fleeting and are not real solutions, but often make the problem worse and fuel our depression. A prime example of that would be drinking a little more alcohol or taking up that cigarette, which are really harmful to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 9/30/2020

God Jesus is Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P72 (09-30-20)


As you ponder over the scriptures, the many things Jesus told us, and the writings of the apostles, who explain these things to us, our minds are renewed with truth as the Spirit reveals truth to us about who we are, about our flesh, and about who God is. Again, we love because God first loved us. We respond to that truth and those attitudes of heart in Christ Jesus are formed in us. Those attitudes of heart show up in our love for one another. That triplicate again of faith, hope and love is visible in us through the love of God worked in us and through us. Christ in us is our hope of glory. We place our faith, our dependency upon Christ, continually walking in that faith in Christ alone.

We come to realize that when Jesus walked on this earth, emptying himself of his divine attributes, while never ceasing to be God, showed us what it is like to live as a man and to live as He lived. How did Jesus live? In total dependency on His Father. So, He tells … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/13/2018

Classic Christianity – Book of John p15 (11-13-18)

Bob George TeachingBob George continues teaching from the book of John. Currently he is sharing practical biblical insight from John 5:41-45. From this passage he shares that the opposite of love is pride. He illustrates several ways man shows pride and contrasts that with love as listed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-6. God is love and perfectly shows such love. Bob explains that man cannot produce this love in their flesh, but by abiding on the vine (John 15:5), so they can bear the fruit, the characteristics of the Spirit, as listed in Galatians 5:22-23. In contrast to the Pharisees, who accepted praise from men rather than seeking the glory that comes from God, could not even bear love. Unless someone is born again and has God’s love poured into their heart, they cannot give out love, being detached from the vine.

John 5:41-45

41 “I do not accept glory from human beings, 42 but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts. 43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More