Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/04/2020

Jesus Says Who do You Say I Am

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P15 (11-04-20)


So concerning this person called Jesus of Nazareth, what have you concluded him to be? Do you think he is a madman, a lunatic, a liar or that he really is who he claimed to be, God in the flesh? What have those who walked on the earth with him, who saw him, touched him and ate with him, have to say? What did they have to say about him? Were they lunatics, liars or impostors too? Or did they believe him to be who he claimed to be, God in the flesh?

And if Jesus really is God in the flesh, then why would he want to come down and live on this rotten earth, with so much sorrow, sickness, pain and death? Why would he subject himself to such things? And why would he put on human flesh? And if He came from heaven, and he said he only says what His Father told him to say and what to say, then what words of God did he say that he wanted us to know? This must be a very important person to come from heaven … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/03/2020

Confess Jesus is God in Flesh

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P567 (09-03-20)


In this world, we will face all kinds of temptations, and we may even give into temptation. Such is the frailty of all mankind. There is not a person who has not sinned except Jesus Christ. He is not tempted by sin but was subjected to all the temptations we faced. But he was without sin. That is why we have a great and merciful high priest, who can identify with what we go through. He took away all the sins of the entire so that we can freely come to Him to receive life and grace in our time of need. You who are a child of God, humble yourself, trust the Lord to cause all things to happen for your good. Continue to walk in faith in the promises of God for you. If you should stumble or fall, get right back up, forget what lies behind, and go boldly to the throne of grace for help in time of need. Yes, make restitution when that is what needs to be done in your situation, as God would have you do. Remember though that you are a child … Listen to Broadcast & Read More