Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P4 (10-28-19)
Bob George continues sharing from the book of Romans. Bob beings by providing a background of the culture of Rome, a booming city, a place to be in that time in history, with art, literature, mighty army, the greatest nation on the earth at that time, but also a city filled with pagan idolatry and emperor worship.
Bob then spent most of his time on one verse, Romans 1:17. Bob explains the meaning of common terms, such as gospel and salvation. What is the gospel? What is the power of the gospel? Paul went to Rome to proclaim the gospel. Bob explains that the gospel went first to the Jew and then the Gentile. So the gospel is for everyone, not just for the Jew. That was a new concept in those early days, after Jesus rose from the dead. Bob explains that there are only three groups of people; Jews, Gentiles, and the Ecclesia, the body of Christ, the born again, made up of Jews and Gentiles. This could really be divided into two groups, the lost and the saved. There are lost Jews and lost Gentiles just as there … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message