Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/30/2022

In Christ Jesus We are Saints

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P09 (03-30-22)

In Christ Jesus You are a Child of God – A Saint

I don’t think there’s a more important subject that we can deal with than our identity. First of all, I think the most important subject that we have to deal with is His identity and that’s Christ. And of course not only do most people, not only not know who He is, but because we don’t know who He is, we don’t know who we are. And so we really don’t know a whole lot when it comes right down to it. I think the other thing is because we’re in such a mindset that our identity comes from what we do, that the reality of that is and the problem with that is, we go out and do something and we don’t even know who it is that did it. If we don’t understand who we are, so when my identity is in what I do, I can say well I do this, I’m a preacher. I’m a basketball player. I’m a housewife, but if that’s according to what I’m doing in otherwards, if … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/15/2021

Faith in Jesus Sets the Believer Apart

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P599 (01-15-21)


It is so easy to have errors in your head. All you have to do is be born into this world, in the sin nature of Adam, and be exposed to the god of this world. God wanted to restore our thinking, so it is based on truth, in Him who is truth. But we grow hearing things, even from denominations or whatever church we grew up in. We hear things like, “I am just a sinner saved by grace.” If you are in Christ, is that true? Not according to the word of God, it isn’t. You are a saint who sometimes sins. You have a new identity called a child of God, a saint by calling, in accordance with who you are. So we must hear truth, and allow that truth to dispel error. That is growing in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Truth comes through revelation by the Spirit of God through the word of God.

Of course, you must be born again, having the Spirit of God placed in you. Just as you were born physically, you must also be born a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 12/14/2020

Receive Jesus Today

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P28 (12-14-20)


As we ponder over the prophecies from Isaiah concerning the events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, we are amazed at the precise details and how they were all fulfilled in the person of Christ Jesus. We know about this because there were eyewitnesses of these things, who wrote down all they saw and heard. These were the disciples of Jesus, primarily Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And the apostles proclaim the truth of what his death, burial and resurrection accomplished for you and me, even as the prophets foretold He would come to do. Surely He is Immanuel, God with us!

There are well over 300 prophecies fulfilled from the Old Testament prophets, who lived anywhere from 500 to a 1000 years before Christ was born. These are a sampling of the prophecies fulfilled just in Isaiah 53 alone. These were written down through Isaiah around 700 B.C.

Prophecies fulfilled in Isaiah 53
His people would not believe HimIsaiah 53:1John 1:11; John 12:37-38
Appearance of an ordinary manIsaiah 53:2Philippians 2:6-8
DespisedIsaiah 53:3aLuke 4:28-29
RejectedIsaiah 53:3bMatthew 27:21-25
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Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/02/2020

Sins of The World He Died for You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P24 (12-02-20)


So Jesus fulfilled everything that was written about Him through the prophets, in the Psalms by King David around 1000 B.C., through Micah, around 500 B.C. and through Isaiah, around 700 B.C., and through other prophets as well. Did they understand what they were writing? No. But the Holy Spirit spoke through them, and they wrote down what they heard. They had some revelation but certainly did not understand everything that they wrote down.

All of us were born without the Spirit of God living in us, including the prophets. Truth had to be revealed to men by the Spirit of God, even to the prophets, not what the word of God says, but what the word of God means. Now, certainly the prophets had certain revelation revealed to them in their time in history. Even Abraham believed God and that was credited to him as righteousness. We read about the faith of many of these Old Testament people in the book of Hebrews, and that faith they had led to certain action and behavior. They trusted God, that God was able to fulfill what He had promised.… Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 10/02/2020

Jesus Gives Life to Those That Believe in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P576 (10-02-20)


Listen as people call to get answers to their questions. Every now and then, you have a caller who asks, “What must I do to be saved?” or says “I am having doubts about my salvation.” Many people have doubts about their salvation for any number of reasons. And wherever you are right now, we all start out the same way, without the Spirit of God living in you. That is we are born dead spiritually and are in need of new life.

When you are reading the gospels, you are reading a record of the life of Christ while he was here on earth. What was his destiny? He came to die on the cross and give you and me eternal life in Himself. In order to do that, He had to prepare us and show us what our condition was. He had to show us we are sinners. If we do not see ourselves as sinners, what would the cross mean to me? He had to show us we are dead. If I did not know I was dead, why would I need life? The teachings in the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/22/2020

Vine and Branches

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P538 (05-22-20)


It is so common to be in a bible study and hear erroneous teaching. Yes, even preachers teach things that are false. Often times people are raised under denominational teaching since their youth, and repeat what they here as if it that is the truth. Why? I heard it in Sunday school. Sadly, many people would rather hold onto tradition, thinking it is of equal par with the scriptures. Others simply do not know the scriptures to discern truth from error. So how then can you discern what is true and what is error? Do you have to go to seminary and study Greek and Hebrew? No. If anyone lacks wisdom ask of God and He will give you wisdom without partiality.

First of all, to discern truth from error, you must be born again so that you can have the mind of Christ, so you can have the Spirit of God guide you into all truth. We will never be in a state where we do not need a continual renewing of the mind. But to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, you must … Listen to Broadcast & Read More