Radio Broadcast Monday 07/01/2024

Jesus Reconciled Us To God

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P125 (07-01-24)

Understanding Your Identity in Christ Jesus

~ If you are in Christ Jesus, you’ve got a brand new identity. You are a child of the Living God. You are no longer a sinner, you are a Saint in the eyes of God. So then, we need to understand our identity if we are in Christ Jesus. And that is part of the problem right there. Most don’t understand their identity, because they either are Not a child of God, or they are listening to the teaching of Man instead of listening to the Holy Spirit teach a person Truth.

And many of us today that are in Christ Jesus go out of our way to persuade people the Truth of the word of God. We don’t want anyone to perish. We want people to hear and understand TRUTH. Yet those are the ones that the world views as being out of our minds, crazy and weird, because they will say that hardly anyone teaches what we are teaching. And that is TRUTH, hardly anyone indeed is teaching the TRUTH of the word of God. They might be teaching what the word of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/26/2024

Jesus Said Father Forgive Them

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P124 (06-26-24)

Jesus Said, “Father Forgive Them, For They Do Not Know What They Do.”

~ The religious world teaches backwards forgiveness, based on asking God to forgive them their sins. Yet Jesus prayed to the Father at the cross and said, “Father Forgive Them, for they do not know what they do.” So you have to ask yourself the question, If Jesus is God (and He indeed is God), do you think the Father answered Jesus’ prayer? Of course the prayer was answered, for the sins of the whole world were removed from the eyes of God, and is no longer counting anyone’s sins against them. Of course most people don’t believe it. They continue believing the lies of their church, Catholic, Protestant, or other, it doesn’t matter, they ALL call God a liar every day of the week. And that’s what the whole book of Hebrews is about. Understanding the finality of the cross. Yet people refuse to believe it, even after being given the word of God. And people are even afraid to call out the lies, because they will say, “I don’t want to get into a religious argument with … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/25/2024

Jesus Took Away Your Sins on The Cross

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P123 (06-25-24)

Quit Making a Mockery of the Cross

~ We live in a world where everything is backwards. Most people think God is a giant vending machine. They place their quarters into it, and put their requests into God for this or that. They even do it thinking they are getting their sins forgiven today. And it doesn’t matter whether a Catholic teaching of the confession booths, or a Protestant teaching of virtual confession booths. Both are calling God a liar. And both are teaching the lies of Satan. Quit listening to them. Quit calling God a liar. Quit making a mockery of the cross. That is the biggest sin imaginable. Most do not understand God’s love for us. Most do not understand God’s completed forgiveness. Most walk around in unbelief. And most listen to the teaching of Man rather than God.

Bear with one another and forgive any complaint you may have against someone else. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13

"And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, as also in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

and then have fallen away—to be restored 
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Radio Broadcast Monday 06/24/2024

Forgive Others as Jesus Forgave You

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P122 (06-24-24)

Forgive as the Lord Forgave You

~ Once we understand the forgiveness of God that He extended toward us, then we can begin to extend that same forgiveness onto others. Put away the fleshly pride, and let it go. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. This is especially true in marriages, where we tend to let things get us bent out of shape, when the truth is we should look past those things and love one another as Christ Loved us. Many times, we have no idea what is going on with the other person, and we tend to think only about ourselves. We don’t consider the trials and tribulations that others are facing, and the things that are hurting them. So be kind to one another, extend grace to one another, forgive each other as Jesus has forgiven you. And consider others more important before ourselves. Maybe a person is hurting inside more than we realize, or fearful of situations they are in, work related, parenting, and even the stress of life. And remember, if you are in Christ Jesus, He is living in you, and wants to use you as … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/19/2024

Jesus is The Righteousness of God - Live by Faith

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P121 (06-19-24)

Faith is Responding Properly to Truth

~ A person that responds with thanksgiving in their heart to God, for what He did on the cross for them is responding in faith. A person that asks for what Jesus has already done is NOT responding in faith, but responding to Satan’s lies. Everyone has a choice today. God is NOT going to force anyone to believe. He has given you a free will to respond one way or another. For example, you can either trust in what man says, or you can trust in what God says. And most lean on their own understanding of things today, which is what man says to do. The first step is who are you going to place faith in, Man or God? If you say you place faith in Jesus, God in the flesh, then everything comes down to who do you say Jesus is? If He is God (which He is), and He claims that God created everything, then God certainly created everything as the book of Genesis describes. If you find out that you have been believing a lie, and God shows you in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/18/2024

Jesus Reveals The Word of God Meaning

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P120 (06-18-24)

Natural Man Cannot Understand Spiritual Things

~ If you tell a person spiritual Truths today, they will look at you as someone who is crazy or out of their mind. And even if you quote scripture verses to them, in context, directly out of the word of God, they will look at you and say to you, that verse can’t mean that, because after all, I know what I know, and don’t confuse me with Truth. And only those that have the mind of Christ living in them, can a person hope to understand all things going on today. And you will not get Truth taught in a religious church setting, nor in a world setting, nor going to a Bible school that teaches you what the word of God says, but will teach you the lies of Satan as to what the Word of God means. And the more a person depends on Man to teach them the false meaning of things, the more a person will be steered away from TRUTH. Don’t fall for it. Nothing is as it seems today. Everything has been inverted and we have all been … Listen to Broadcast & Read More