Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/16/2024

Walk in Faith Today

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P93 (04-16-24)

Faith is in Jesus Not in Ourselves

~ Jesus is the Faithful One of God. We are to place faith in Him, not in ourselves and certainly NOT in our own faith either. Once we understand what faith really is, then we can live by faith from first to last. As the scriptures say, it is by faith from first to last. And the word “faith” has been changed in meaning by Satan also. Faith is a very practical word. We apply faith to all sorts of things in our lives. We trust in a chair to hold us, and thus we sit down. However, when it comes to the things of God, our faith needs to have a proper object. And that is Jesus, God in the flesh, who took away the sins of the world and is no longer counting them against anyone today. Faith says, “I believe that.” Faith says, “Thank you God for having forgiven me of ALL my sins on the cross.” Faith says, “Thank you Jesus for giving me your Life, the Holy Spirit, when I trusted in you.” Faith says, “I can’t do anything without … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/15/2024

Worlds Sin is Unbelief in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P92 (04-15-24)

Sinning is Unbelief in Jesus

~ We are getting to the point where the rubber meets the road in the book of Hebrews. Learn what the real sin of the world is today. It is unbelief in Jesus. That is the sin that needs repented of. And repentance is a change of mind. A person needs to change their mind on who Jesus is, God, and understand what Jesus did on the cross for them, took away their sins for all time, and God is no longer counting anyone’s sins against them. This is the HUGE sin that without a change of mind, a person will remain dead. They will not have the Holy Spirit alive living in them, because they refuse to come to Jesus by faith. Faith is responding to God, and Truth. Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus.

Bob George challenged common misconceptions about faith in the Christian life, emphasizing that it’s not about bossing God around or manipulating Him, but responding to His initiative. He warned against sin and false teachings, encouraging listeners to align with … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/10/2024

Jesus is Our Salvation

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P91 (04-10-24)

Trust in Jesus Not in Anything Else

~ Today, many of the believers in Christ have gotten on the world’s bandwagon, and are believing the lies of Satan left and right. If you can not see that by now, then maybe you don’t have the Spirit of God living in you. Cement that first, and place faith in Jesus, God in the flesh, who took away all your sins on the cross. Thank him for what he did for you, and you will immediately receive the Holy Spirit for Life. From there, the world of lies will be exposed to you too. The things of the world are ALL evil, and are enticing everyone to fall under the sorcery of Satan and the fallen angels today. And we who are in Christ, need to step back and ask God to explain Truth to us. For we have all believed the lies of the world, more than people imagine. Today people are hero worshipers. Satan has given the people of the world heroes to take up residence in their hearts. And if you don’t think you don’t have heroes or have had any … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/09/2024

Repent of Your Unbelief

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P90 (04-09-24)

Repentance is a Change of Mind of Who Jesus is and What He Did on the Cross

~ Most people have NOT changed their minds about what Jesus did on the cross. They give lip service to Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Jesus, God in flesh, took away the sins of the world. Yet every big box and most small box churches are teaching the lie of ongoing forgiveness. And people are so in love with their false ministers of righteousness, that they don’t care what the bottom line teaching is in regards to forgiveness. These people are dead. They are dead in their unbelief. They think they are saved, yet they hop onto other lies of Satan simply because that is what their itching ears want to hear. And there is nothing new under the sun. Satan has done a masterful job of deceiving the nations (all the people of the world). People love their sports stars, their movie stars, and even use them for quoting other lies of the devil. Then there are those that constantly throw out the word of God because they spread the lie … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/08/2024

Jesus Took Away All Your Sins at The Cross

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P89 (04-08-24)

Atonement Covered Sins – Jesus Took Away Sins Forever

~ Don’t listen to anyone that says, “the atoning death of Jesus,” because that is a lie. Jesus did NOT atone for sins. Jesus took away all sins at the cross. The two are completely different meanings to the words in the Greek. And Satan loves to muddy the waters, and uses his transformed agents of self righteousness to spread his lies of deceit to all that follow them. This is key for today. For if you listen to people that teach these lies, you will be listening to a perverted person. For their minds are perverted with Satan’s lies, instead of the Truth of the Word of God. Proof is at your fingertips today. To be a Berean is simple. Study God’s Word for yourself. And furthermore, if you have the Holy Spirit living in you, He will show you All Truth. And those of you that are in Christ Jesus, know exactly what we are talking about today. For we have all seen it first hand ourselves. And the tribulation will come upon you when you teach Truth. Because the world … Listen to Broadcast & Read More