Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/04/2019

Jesus Died and Resurrected For Me

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P428 (4-04-19)

Bob George RadioBob George, on the air with the original People to People ministries, answers questions by callers from across the country on real life issues as well as the common questions. Andrew from Lubbock, Texas asked about the meaning of the head covering for a woman in the passage of scripture in 1 Corinthians 11. Bob answered what he knew from a translation or footnote in a translation that provided information that makes some of that passage more easily understood in its context of the day the letter was written. In that culture, the Gentile were very heathen, and had idols made of stone and sexual goddesses with temple prostitutes. The prostitutes in those days wore short hair or had their heads shaved. From bob’s understanding, a woman who came out of that sinful lifestyle and is now a believer may still have her head shaved and if she does not want to be identified with the “shorn” woman, that is, the prostitutes, she should have a head covering until the time her grows out. As far as other things in that passage, such as “because of the angels”, he did not … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/15/2018

Classic Christianity – Call-In Bob George p393 (11-15-18)

Bob George RadioJoin Bob George as he takes calls from listeners on the original People to People radio program for over 30 years. Tedd called to ask about if it was okay to date a girl who is in Catholic Church and he belongs to a different Church. Bob answers by addressing Tedd’s lack of time reading God’s word and not knowing the scriptures. Someone who is a child of God will grow as they read and ponder over God’s word letting the Holy Spirit teach him. But, in case Tedd did not know the Lord, Bob explained the simple gospel message. He then provided a practical suggestion to help both him and his girlfriend to hear truth from scriptures. The second caller, Dale, heard a sermon by a preacher that cited Luke 15 as scripture supporting the concept of a believer being able to be in and out of fellowship with God. Although the caller did not agree with the pastor, he wanted clarification from Bob on the meaning of Luke 15. Bob graciously answered by explaining a common problem in people applying scripture by determining truth from human experience. The faulty logic … Listen to Broadcast & Read More