Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/02/2019

Press on to the High Calling

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 40 (07-02-19)

Bob George shares a very practical message of the meaning of the gospel as he continues sharing from the gospel of John. He begins in John 8, where Jesus identifies himself as the light of the world, contrasting darkness (the lost, the dead) with the light (the saved, with life). You are not going into the market place telling people how sinful they are but how dead they are. No man will ever go to hell because of his sins but only because of the sin of the rejection of life. If you reject life you remain dead (John 3:36). If you reject the offer of forgiveness you remain unforgiven. You who are in Christ have good news to tell people. It is a very practical message of the meaning of the gospel. You, who are in Christ Jesus, are His ambassadors.

Bob George explains why Jesus came to this earth to say what he did and do what he did, culminating in his death, burial and resurrection. He claimed to be God, demonstrating that he is God by the way he lived, the words he spoke, and even through the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/25/2019


Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P434 (4-25-19)

Bob George was on the air for over 30 years with People to People radio, answering calls to help people experience faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

Linda asks a question on tithing.

Another caller, John asks a question on someone being a Christian serving in the military.

Bob George talks about what happened to his wife, Amy George, during WW2. By the way, you can read her amazing story in her book Goodbye Is Not Forever.

Another caller, Mark asks Bob about near death experiences.

Another caller, Youlonda asks what happens at death.

Goodbye is Not Forever

Classic Christianity

Classic Christianity Study Guide

What About 1 John 1:9 Booklet

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Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/11/2018

Call In Bob George p383 (10-11-18)

Bob George RadioBob George, on People to People radio for over 30 years, answers questions by several callers. The first caller, Sam, asks about a Muslim and what happens when he dies and then about those who have never heard, even those in a remote place. Larry, the second caller, asks about what it means to take up your cross and follow Christ. The final caller for today, John, asks a specific question about Romans 8:17 in regards to what it means to suffer with Christ?

Sam, the first caller asks about a Muslim, born in a Muslim nation, where would he go when he dies, heaven or hell? Bob explains that all countries were Christian nations at one time, and how Muhammad converted people to Muslim religion. But the real point he made was that it is not
about converting someone to a religion but converting someone to Christ. He then explains more thoroughly what Jesus Christ did, that is so unique and special that no religion really addresses, the condition of man in sin and the need to come to Christ for life. Truth revealed in scripture is what all men need to hear … Listen to Broadcast & Read More