Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/10/2020

Jesus Lives Eternally

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P528 (04-10-20)


Have you ever wondered why someone you love is not acting like he is a Christian? He is born again, or so you thought, but his actions testify against him. Why is he going back to perverse behavior, behavior that only occurs among the heathen? There are two possible explanations. One he is not born again as you think he is, or he is born again, but is not paying any attention to God, and is acting in rebellion against truth. We cannot judge motives, but we can judge actions. So, if not certain of the evidence, then approach him in love, ask the questions that will draw him out, is your best option. You love him enough to tell him the truth. As a believer, we have the privilege to participate in the divine nature. That also means, we can choose to participate in the flesh. The flesh is contrary to the Spirit. We overcome the flesh by walking in the Spirit, putting to death the misdeeds of the body.

It is also quite possible that someone might have walked an aisle, thinking they are born again, but they … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/04/2019

Jesus Came to Set You Free

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P452 (7-04-19)

Bob received calls from several callers who heard error. These are the questions asked. Can I be in and out of fellowship with God? Have I committed the unpardonable sin? What about a young child or the handicapped or those who have never heard the gospel of salvation?

Dale called for clarification of truth from a pastor who spoke error concerning a believer being in and out of fellowship with God. He had incorrectly taught from the parable of the prodigal son from Luke 15 to explain a false teaching of being in and out of fellowship with God. Luke 15 is not talking about a believer but an unsaved lost son who received righteousness by faith and faith alone and an older brother who failed to receive that righteousness by faith. It is really a parable about the self righteous Jew and the non-seeking Gentile who hears the message of Christ, believes and is saved.

Mark calls on behalf of his 8 year old daughter concerning about what happens when young children die. Bob shared that for young children or the mentally handicapped, we just trust in God, who is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/18/2019

Jesus Life Saves a Person

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P432 (4-18-19)

Bob George received a call from Jim who simply asked if love is more important than faith. Bob answered from scripture that love indeed is greater than faith because love is from God and God is love. God initiated love to us and we respond to that love in faith. So faith is man’s response to love. Do we accept his love or do we reject it? Do we even understand that love? Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.

Bob George also received a call from a young college lady, Lynn, who had found herself in an unwanted situation. She had committed fornication and is now pregnant. She wanted to know if abortion was wrong. Bob graciously shared truth with her, that abortion indeed is the sin of murder. Bob graciously provided practical advice and explained the truth of God’s unconditional love toward her. He shared such practical wisdom to help her make choices in line with who she is as a born again believer. God created life and this child she has was a life God intended to live. So if the life of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/07/2019

Classic Christianity

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P420 (3-07-19)

Bob George RadioSeveral callers called Bob George for insight into common questions many of us have asked before or thought about. What is humility? Can I make myself humble? What does it mean that Jesus intercedes for me when all my future sins are forgiven? Is the King James version the only reliable translation today? How did translations come about and how are they different? If Adam never ate of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil, what would have happened? What would you share with some one who says that we are still under law today? In John 15, what does it mean if we fail to remain on the vine? Is it really saying we will be thrown into hell?

Andy called to ask about humility. Humility is not something we strive to become or get. Life circumstances humbles us, as we are weak in our natural selves, and attitudes in our hearts sometimes are not in line with who we are spiritually. When we look down at someone in our heart, the Spirit prompts us about our attitude that needs correction. So we are always under the Lord’s … Listen to Broadcast & Read More