Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/17/2025

End of the Law

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P999 (01-17-25)

Those Who Are In Christ Jesus are No Longer Under Law

~ “For Christ is the end of the law, to bring righteousness to everyone who believes.” Romans 10:4

~ There is nothing new under the sun. Bob answered so many questions that are still asked today. In fact, many of the lies are doubled down on by people teaching the lies of Satan. For the enemy doesn’t want you to know that you have been set Free. He would much rather keep you under the bondage of sin and death, while at the same time, he pushes the evils on all the world as though just about ALL sins are promoted left and right to all the people of the world. It’s gotten so bad, that there are even laws on the books that says it is unlawful to call something sin in the workplace. And we all know what that is about. Yet the false gospel churches are preaching messages of condemnation, and keeping yourself forgiven based on what you do or don’t do. Everything is reversed when you think about it. The government calls things acceptable and good … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/16/2025

Present With The Lord

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P998 (01-16-25)

When A Saint’s Physical Body Dies, He Never Dies, and Is Absent From that Body and Present With the Lord

~ “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:12

~ The apostle Paul was crystal clear on teaching that a child of God, those who are in Christ Jesus, those who have the Holy Spirit living in them, those that are born again of the Spirit of God, they are absent from the body and present with the Lord when their physical body dies. A child of God, a Saint of God, a son of God, ALL refer to those who are True children of God, and when their physical bodies die, they get a new Spiritual body immediately, and go into the presence of Jesus in glorified New bodies that will never perish.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25,26

Paul’s teaching lines up directly with … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/09/2025

Salvation is Life Through Jesus Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P996 (01-09-25)

True Repentance is a Change of Mind in Regards to Jesus and What He Did For You

~ “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age— and then have fallen away—to be restored to repentance, because they themselves are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to open shame.” Hebrews 6:4-6

~ The very moment we receive Jesus, we received Eternal Life in Him. We are saved from the consequences of sin, which is death, and He gives us Life by the Spirit of God. People that are falling away from this Truth have never been saved in the first place. They have never repented in the first place. Now they may say they have repented, but by their very fruits of not believing that their sins have been forgiven at that cross, are not saved.

Repentance is NOT done over and over and over and over again. It is a one time event in … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/20/2024

In Christ Jesus You Have Eternal Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P995 (12-20-24)

Salvation is Not a Formula

~ “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

~ People want to make getting saved a formula. Salvation is not a formula. Salvation is receiving Jesus life in them for Eternal Life. The Holy Spirit comes to live inside a person the very moment they place faith in Jesus. Don’t make it complicated.

Jesus took away ALL your sins at the cross, and was raised from the dead so that the same life that raised Him from the dead can also raise the spiritually dead people themselves and have His life living in them. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is Life. Share with people. Tell it like it is. And be sure to understand your salvation so that you can tell others the TRUTH too.

Then Paul stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and examined your objects of worship, I even found 
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Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/19/2024

Jesus is Truth Now Be as a Berean

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P994 (12-19-24)

Those Believing (Trusting) in Jesus God in Flesh Have Eternal Life

~ “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, the wrath of God remains on him.” John 3:36

~ When a person truly places faith in Jesus, God in the flesh, for Him and what He did on the cross for them, they are given Eternal Life at that very moment in time. Whoever rejects Jesus (Dismissing the Word of God), the wrath of God (death) remains upon them. There are people that teach today that Jesus died only for the elect, and haven’t a clue that He died for the sins of the whole world. They give lip service to the word of God. They REJECT the scriptures that clearly teach that Jesus died for everyone. And so they will justify their belief system by hooking on to what false teachers like Calvin taught and what reformed theology teaches today. They would rather listen to the lies their seminary taught pastor teach, rather than what he Holy Spirit teaches about TRUTH.

The bottom line is don’t be a Man follower. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/13/2024

Holy Spirit Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P993 (12-13-24)

Abiding in the Holy Spirit is a Moment by Moment Choice by Us

~ “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch is not able to bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither you, unless you abide in Me.” John 15:4

~ We are to place faith from first to last. Faith is a moment by moment choice we all have to make. And the faith is that God lives in us when we are in Christ Jesus. And He said the Holy Spirit would direct us in ALL TRUTH. Our flesh doesn’t want to be directed by the Holy Spirit. It wants to do things our own way, instead of His way. And when we fight against what the Holy Spirit wants us to do, we know it in our heart. Because the Holy Spirit will be talking to us, teaching us, disciplining us. And many times that discipline doesn’t feel good at the time. But when we look back on it, we see what the Lord wanted us to understand. And we can say thank you for teaching me TRUTH. Because there … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message