Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/29/2020

The Wicked Lost Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P540 (05-29-20)


In this day and age of the Coronavirus, and various events going on in the political realm, people have asked even today, what needs to be done to stop these evil or deceived people who are pushing for this one world government? What should pastors do? Even in Bob’s lifetime, people called in asking the same question. First of, if you are a pastor, or any born again believer for that matter, do not get side-tracked from your primary purpose, and that is to proclaim the gospel. All of these events we continue to see happening are certainly signs of the end times and preparation for what we know is prophesied in Revelation. The greatest avenue we have, each citizen of the United States, is to exercise our voting rights. If you are in Christ, then you need to ask for wisdom from God, so your vote is in accordance with understanding and discernment, for Jesus even told us to not let anyone deceive you. And, we are certainly instructed to pray for all those in authority over us that we may live peaceable and quiet lives.

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