Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/14/2024

Will Jesus Find Faith on the Earth

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P67 (02-14-24)

Jesus Did Not Atone For Sin, He Took Sin Away Forever

~ Jesus introduced a better Hope, by which we draw near to God. Faith says thank you for what God did on the cross. It does not ask for it repeatedly over and over again to do what He has already done. Forgiveness is Finished. It was finished at the cross, one time, and ONLY one time for the sins of the entire world.

Yet people today believe the lies of ongoing forgiveness by God. Satan has the whole world deceived and religion (all religion) is one of the key areas that Satan spreads the lie of ongoing forgiveness. People equate Jesus as though he atoned for sin. Yet scripture is clear, Jesus did not atone for sin, He took sin away from the eyes of God, and our sins are no longer counted against us by God. We are forgiven. Place faith in Him and what He and He alone did at the cross. And receive His LIFE. A person asking God for more forgiveness is in complete denial of the cross. And the majority of people that are asking … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/13/2024

The Law of Love and Freedom

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P66 (02-13-24)

Jesus is Our Priest of the Order of Melchizedek

~ Jesus is without beginning and without end. He is King of Righteousness. He is King of Peace. Jesus is High Priest Forever. Jesus ushered in a new law. Jesus is above ALL. Jesus is greater than ALL.

Don’t let anyone put you under a guilt trip of thinking you need to tithe in order to be blessed by God. That is a lie of Satan. There is no tithing today. The tithe was to support the Levitical priesthood. It’s time to understand the truth of the word of God. There is NO Levitical priesthood today. The religionists want you to keep yourself dependent on the teaching of Man instead of the TRUTH of the word of God and the Holy Spirit who lives in you. Stop giving to your jailers and go free in Christ Jesus.

~ This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham apportioned to him a tenth of everything. First, his name means “king of righteousness.” Then also, “king of Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/12/2024

Faith Responds to Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P65 (02-12-24)

Don’t You Know That You Are God’s Temple?

~ Jesus came to set you free from the bondage of sin and death. He came to set you free from the demands of the law. He came to set you free from religion. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not be encumbered once more by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 Yet even with that being said, people allow themselves to be put back under bondage of legalism. Hardly any pastors teach that Christ is in you. They would much rather you listen to their own teaching rather than the Holy Spirit who lives in you if you are in Christ Jesus. Most pastors and teachers today do NOT preach the good news. They preach a different gospel which is no gospel at all. They preach a false gospel of repenting of all your sins (as though someone can actually repent of all of their sins). This is a key lie of Satan, and there are many. If you are in Christ Jesus, then He is in you, and you are the temple of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/08/2024

God Has Forgiven and Cleansed us 1 John 1 9

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P905 (02-08-24)

Confession is Agreeing With God Your Sins Have Been Forgiven (Past Tense)!

~ The overwhelming majority of people today believe in ongoing confession of sins to God in order to get their sins forgiven over and over again. This is a lie from Satan. First off, God is NOT forgiving anyone their sins today. That comes as a shock to people today to hear that, but that is TRUTH. Jesus forgave (past tense) all your sins, all my sins, ALL the world’s sins at the cross ONE time. Jesus did NOT atone for sin, He took it away from the eyes of God and is NOT counting your sins against you.

The issue is life today. Are you alive in Christ or are you dead without the Holy Spirit living in you? That is the key. For God is the God of the Living, not the dead. And today, most of the world is the walking dead. They are controlled by Satan. Satan whips up the desires of the flesh. Satan makes it seem like, oh, you sinned again. You better get right with God. You need to ask God to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/07/2024

Jesus Wants Your Faith to be in Him

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P64 (02-07-24)

God Made Us Alive With Christ by Grace Through Faith in Him

~ We were dead in our sins before we came to Christ Jesus. Dead people need life. In Christ, He is our very life. He sent His Spirit to indwell us and to give us His very life. We were raised from the dead. The Holy Spirit now resides in every true believer and He made you a child of God. If you are in Him, then He is in you and nothing can separate the two. God does not save part way. God saves completely. Someday we shall all understand. But in this movement in time, we have his word of God to teach us all truth through the Holy Spirit explaining the meaning of everything. The world does not understand, because they do not have the Holy Spirit living in them.

~ But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our trespasses. It is by grace you have been saved! And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/06/2024

Only by Faith in Jesus Not by Works

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P63 (02-06-24)

The Just Shall Live By Faith in Jesus Not Yourself

~ When scripture says, “the just shall live by faith” it is not talking about faith in yourself, or faith in what you do or don’t do, or faith in your religion or your church, or faith in the teaching of man, or faith in making sure you ask for forgiveness by God, or faith in your confession booths, or even faith in your own faith (believing in false doctrines). Our faith is in Jesus and Him alone, the One who justifies the wicked. For there is no one righteous, no not one. Apart from Jesus we are dead lost. Only in Christ do we have the righteousness of God living in us in the person of the Holy Spirit. He came to give us LIFE. And in him is the life of all True man (those indwelt by the Holy Spirit, being born again of the Spirit). No one is saved by any means other than Faith in Jesus, God in flesh, who took away ALL your sins on the cross, to give you His resurrected life when a person places … Listen to Broadcast & Read More