Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/05/2023

Salvation is Eternal Life in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P875 (10-05-23)

Those Who Think They Can Lose Eternal Salvation Don’t Know What Salvation Is

~ Salvation is eternal life in Christ Jesus. It is NOT getting your sins forgiven. There are so many in the world today that think they can lose eternal life when they sin, because they don’t understand what Jesus did on the cross for the sins of the whole world. We hear this time and again. People are out there thinking they get more forgiveness from God or get more righteousness from God when they use their false understanding of 1 John 1:9 as a means of keeping themselves clean before God. They keep on keeping on asking for what God has already done. They make a mockery of the cross and treat it as an unholy thing.

Satan has done a number on the world too, making people think they are saved, when they are still dead lost in their unbelief. They have NOT exercised faith in the finished work on the cross. They think they have, but by their very actions they keep on showing that they are NOT responding in faith. For faith says, “Thank … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/04/2023

The Holy Spirit Warns Us Today

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P17 (10-04-23)

The Body of Christ is Here to Serve One Another in Truth and Love All With the Same Holy Spirit

~ In these last days, things are so important that we are told to pay attention to the details. Details matter in everything. The word of God has a message to each of us today. We learn things from one another. The body of Christ teaches each other through the Holy Spirit using each of us as He sees fit. Some are given wisdom, some are given knowledge and understanding, some are given more faith; but all of this comes from the same Holy Spirit. God wants us to grow in the knowledge of Him and the Truth about the world we live in today and the lies of Satan, and the ultimate conclusion of this age. So pay particularly close attention to all the details. By now, most of you that have been listening to the program for some time now, know that Jesus forgave you of ALL sins. And you have exercised faith in that very truth. And we also know that most of the world does NOT believe in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/03/2023

Faith in Jesus Says Thank You

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P16 (10-03-23)

Are You Resting in The Finished Work of Jesus Christ?

~ When most people hear the word, “Faith” mentioned in the bible most think of simply believing something without seeing anything at all. To most people, faith is a type of “blind faith.” Yet, they place their faith in the teaching of other people. They place their faith in their religious upbringing. They place their faith in science and technology. They place their faith in man. They place their faith in their own understanding of things. But true faith is a very practical word. And it is not just a biblical word either. Faith is applying proper responses to Truth. Faith is when a person is given knowledge of understanding of something (no matter what that is), and then they apply faith in their own life by excising faith with a proper response. Most people will NOT exercise faith when it comes to the word of God. They hear something in the word of God and it goes in one ear and out the other. As we have seen repeatedly, most do not believe everyone’s sins were forgiven on the cross. They … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/02/2023

Walk by Faith in His Spirit

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P15 (10-02-23)

Are You Seeking the Approval of Men, Rather Than God?

~ We see in the word of God where the apostle Paul tells it like it is. He did not beat around the bush, but he was bold in his declarations of the word of God. He was not striving to please men, but was working on God’s behalf. He received the gospel from direct revelation of Jesus Christ. But here is the thing, many today have also received the gospel, but instead of walking boldly in Christ Jesus, and telling it like it is (ALL your sins were forgiven at the cross and there is no more forgiveness being given by God AND the issue is Life, the Spirit’s life giving eternal life the moment you place faith in Jesus), they shrink back and don’t correct people or simply overlook error. They let things go and would rather seek the approval of men rather than God. They don’t want to rock the boat.

How many times have we heard, ask God to get your sins forgiven? How many times have we heard a sermon given that at the end … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/29/2023

Jesus Reconciled Us To God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P874 (09-29-23)

You Were Reconciled to God Through The Death of Jesus at the Cross ~ Place Faith in Him For Life!

~ God reconciled you to Himself. He is NOT counting your sins against you today. Do you believe it? Have you truly placed faith in Him to have done what He said is finished? Or are you out there trying to reconcile yourself to God? When the word of God says, “be reconciled” that means believe it, place faith in it. Yet most people will not do that. They will go out there in the energy of their flesh and try to do better, to be better, or to be more righteous with God. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about Catholics or Protestants, they are all deceived. They display their fruits for all to see. And even some grace teachers will sidestep around this and say things like, “see you’ve got to reconcile yourself to God” as though a person can do something to reconcile themselves to God. It’s a very subtle thing today, because these particular infiltrators do not believe the sins of the whole world have been … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/28/2023

Trust in Jesus by Faith Not Law

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P873 (09-28-23)

Listen to The Holy Spirit and Stop Listening to The Teaching of Men

~ “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.” Psalm 146:3

Pay heed to the teaching of God instead of putting faith in man (no matter who that man is), for we have said it before and will say it again, anyone can be teaching error and many are teaching error without even realizing it. Those that are children of God have the Holy Spirit living in them, and have been given eternal life through faith in Jesus. Pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s teaching, because everyone in Christ Jesus has the same Holy Spirit, living in them, to guide a person into ALL truth. How often we hear of people that listen to a whole bunch of false teachers, and do NOT listen to the Holy Spirit, the teacher of ALL truth. Time to turn off the television, turn off the radio, turn off the internet, and start listening to the Holy Spirit teach you the meaning of the word of God.

And that goes for people that think there is another … Listen to Broadcast & Read More