Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 2 (01-03-23)

Attitudes of the Heart

Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 2 (01-03-23)

God Wants to Change The Attitudes of the Heart With His Spirit in You

~ “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26

~ “Okay. So we have desires of the flesh, God desires of the Spirit, they’re in conflict with each other. Now what did he say there in regard to that? We are now to be made new in what? The attitude of what? Our minds. So how are you going to be made new by changing your actions? How are you going to be made new? Changing your mind. Do you realize, folks, there’s a lot of people who are non Christians acting and a lot better than us? Have you ever noticed that? I mean, on the outward actions, outward actions, you couldn’t tell the difference. You go over into some of the Muslim countries over there, you’ll see some pretty good behavior. If you don’t you get your hand cut … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 1 (01-02-23)

Respond in Faith to Jesus Christ

Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 1 (01-02-23)

Place Faith in Truth ~ Jesus Forgave ALL Your Sins

~ “So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.” Ephesians 4:17

~ “And so folks, we’ve got the world out there that is totally contrary to everything in the Bible. God says one thing man comes along and says another and many of them in the name of Jesus. That’s what irritates the dickens out of me. Are people in the name of Jesus coming up with all of this psychological garbage that does nothing but put people under deeper bondage to know what they’ve ever been before. Are we going to put our faith in Jesus and His word or are we going to put our faith in what man has to say? Now guys, that ties into this thing we’ve been talking about the difference between believing something and putting faith in something. You see, I’ve mentioned before, for many years of my early Christian experience, I believe two things I believe that Jesus died … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

New Years P2 Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/27/2022

Holy Spirit Life

Classic Christianity – New Years P2 (12-27-22)

Walk in the Spirit And You Will Not Fulfill The Desires of the Flesh

~ “And I say, walk in the Spirit, and you may not fulfill the desire of the flesh;” Galatians 5:16

~ “Now, what else does it say about the lost person? We have lost all sensitivity, we gave ourselves over to sensuality, so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and with a continual lust for more. Does that sound familiar? How many does that sound familiar to? How many of the rest of you have been living in a vacuum? Is not this what the flesh does? The flesh loses all sensitivity. We give ourselves over to sensuality and indulge in every kind of impurity there is, and have a continual lust for more. Sin does not want less, it always wants more, doesn’t it? Now look what it says. Now, you know this is talking now about being born again. You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. You didn’t come to know Christ through sensual indulgence. Surely you heard of him, and we’re taught in him in accordance with and this is important. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

New Years P1 Radio Broadcast Monday 12/26/2022

Our Faith is in Jesus

Classic Christianity – New Years P1 (12-26-22)

Faith and Belief Are Two Different Things

~ “And so folks, we’ve got the world out out there that is totally contrary to everything in the Bible. God says one thing, man comes along and says another, and many of them in the name of Jesus. That’s what irritates the dickens out of me. Are people in the name of Jesus coming up with all of this psychological garbage that does nothing but put people under deeper bondage than what they’ve ever been before. Are we going to put our faith in Jesus and His word or are we going to put our faith in what man has to say? Now guys, that ties into this thing we’ve been talking about the difference between believing something and putting faith in something.”

~ “Now, what we want to do is to pick up to understand that our thinking, therefore the futility of our thinking, we as Christians do not have to retain the futility of our thinking of the thinking of the lost. Do we understand that? There’s a different way of thinking today. Now he says they are darkened in their understanding. We’re … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Christmas P5 Radio Broadcast Friday 12/23/2022

Faith Says Thank You to God

Classic Christianity – Christmas P5 (12-23-22)

Faith is Drawing Proper Conclusions ~ Jesus Forgave My Sins ~ Thank You God!

~ Faith says, “Thank You” to God. Faith is Not asking over and over and over and over again to get your sins forgiven. Confession means saying thank you to God!

~ “Is Jesus going to shed his blood again? How many times did he shed his blood? And for how many people? How many people? For how long? You mean every person that’s ever been born and every person who will be born? You died for them? Okay, now, without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness and there’s no more shedding of blood. What do you have to conclude about the one time that he did shed his blood? What do you have to conclude about that? It’s finished. What did Jesus cry out from the cross? It’s finished. He didn’t mean guys, your crucifixion is about to work. He meant my work has completed. There he who knew no sin became sin for you and me, so that we, who are in Christ Jesus could become the righteousness of God. And when it’s finished, it’s done. Do … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/14/2022

We Have Peace With God in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P38 (12-14-22)

Fear Not, For I Jesus Have Overcome the World!

~ “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

~ “So he says, I can rejoice in my sufferings, I’m going to have sufferings as a child of God. But you see, what is the solution to that peace with God, in the midst of disturbance in the world. And so in this world, I’m gonna have tribulation, but he said, Fear not I have overcome the world. And we’re many times trying to get the peace of God, when we don’t have peace with God. And I think so many times Bob that verse in Philippians, two, in all things with prayer and supplication to let your requests be known to God, and then the peace of God that passes understanding, will quiet in your heart, your mind in Christ Jesus. So we’re trying to get the peace of God, but we don’t have peace with God. And so we look at that … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message