Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P961 (08-16-24)
True Faith Always Agrees With God ~ ALL Your Sins Have Been Taken Away by God
~ God is not keeping a record of your sins and wrongs in life. He is not going to broadcast your sins ever again. Today the lies of Satan are taught all over the world in and out of church settings. Most don’t believe God’s word, and are not trusting in the finality of the cross. They show by their actions that they are not exercising faith in Jesus and what He did on the cross for them. Most ministries are not teaching this foundational Truth of the word of God. And it is obvious that most are spreading one of the Big lies of Satan of teaching of ongoing forgiveness by God. They themselves have become spokespeople for Satan. And make no mistake about it, these are indeed Lies of Satan. Satan wants children of God to be calling God a liar, instead of resting in TRUTH. Faith is trusting in Him completely, to understand that God did it ALL. And now, Faith confesses (agrees with) God that all my sins have been taken … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message