Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P969 (09-13-24)
The Law Was Given to Lead us to Christ Jesus
~ The reason we have an old testament and a now the New Testament, is because God needed the New Agreement, New testament, New Will, New Covenant is because God found fault with the people in that they could not live under the old Covenant and a New Covenant was needed to bring LIFE to a person. No one was alive as God intended Man to be in the old Covenant. They were dead without the Spirit of God living in them. That is key to understanding both the old covenant and the New Covenant, is that people were NOT indwelt by the Holy Spirit by default. In the Old Testament we see instances where the Holy Spirit would come upon a person temporarily, but then would leave that person as they were prior to having the Holy Spirit coming up on them for some particular service. In the New Covenant, when the day of Pentecost arrived, the Holy Spirit came not only on people, but indwelt people, to give them Life in Christ Jesus at that very moment in time. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message