Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P7 (08-12-24)
You Can Only Be Justified Before God by Faith in Jesus, Not by Works of the Law
~ There was a certain group of people that had infiltrated the Hebrews early on, pretending to be true Hebrews/Israelites of which they are not. The same thing is happening today, infiltrators, deceivers. Most of the keywords used in the word of God in the original language have much different meanings than what the agents of Satan (the translators) have ascribed to the meaning of those words today. Details matter in everything, and especially the word of God. We discovered that with the meaning ascribed to atonement, reconciliation, repent, baptism, propitiation, and there are many many more keywords that need to be looked at in great detail, because Satan has deceived most everyone into believing his lies for those words today, thinking this word or that word means something else entirely than the actual Truth. None of the commentaries talk about the Truth of those words, and those keywords and understanding had to be taught to you directly by the Holy Spirit. And even words have been substituted as identity theft, to make it seem … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message