Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P8 (05-05-20)
Now this faith is so crucial for us to grab a hold of. Faith is how we are designed by God to live, by faith in Christ, who is our life. We are to trust what God has said. Do we rely on our feelings? Many times we do, but we should not. Feelings are dumb. They only respond to what is put in it. What you are thinking about result in the emotions that follow. Feelings respond to what you are thinking about. So, in this day in age, with the Coronavirus, and depending on where you are, many people can be quite anxious. Anxiety is common to our human experience. It is not unusual for us to be anxious. But, did you know that anxiety and worry are the opposite of faith?
Jesus told us not to worry, as he shared with his disciples about the lilies of the field and how God clothes them, and they are here today, and gone tomorrow. So, do not worry about tomorrow, about what you should eat or drink or wear. So, do we trust the God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More