Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/29/2021

Truth Sets You Free

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P655 (07-29-21)

Let Truth set you Free and Learn to Walk in Grace by Faith

As a new believer, you will tend to have more of a struggle in overcoming sinful habits, and that is not unusual, as you are just now on the starting line of having your mind renewed. Even as you mature in Christ, you will continue in that process of having your mind renewed until the day you meet the Lord. We will all continue to battle the flesh, and God knows our weaknesses and tendencies. We are all reminded to guard our life and doctrine closely and take heed that we do not fall, and to be gentle and humble toward others, as we ourselves could easily get caught up in any sin ourselves. By allowing God to change us, our thinking and attitudes of heart, our actions will be in accordance with who we are as a child of God, and our emotions will follow. You will no longer be miserable but experience the fruit of the Spirit God wants to produce in you and through you. Learn to trust the mercy and grace of God. So, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/09/2021

Jesus Makes us Into New Creations

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P624 (04-09-21)


As a new believer, you will tend to have more of a struggle in overcoming sinful habits, and that is not unusual, as you are just now on the starting line of having your mind renewed. Even as you mature in Christ, you will continue in that process of having your mind renewed until the day we meet the Lord. We will all continue to battle the flesh, and God knows our weaknesses and tendencies. We are all reminded to guard our life and doctrine closely and take heed that we do not fall, and to be gentle and humble toward others, as we ourselves could easily get caught up in any sin ourselves. Sometimes we just need that person who can point us to that unconditional love and acceptance from God. And along with allowing God to do that through us, we are firm with truth while gently guiding the humble of heart to grab a hold of such truth that will set them free. We can learn to walk in the new life of freedom God has called us to.

The word of God is useful for all … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/01/2021

Jesus Works All Things Out for Our Good

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P621 (04-01-21)


Questions that come up quite frequently are questions in regard to tithing and various passages in the Old Testament. Questions like, “How does that passage apply to me today?” It doesn’t. The most prevalent question is in regard to tithing. “Am I robbing God when I do not tithe?” Absolutely not. If a person understood the New Covenant they are living under today, they would not need to ask such questions, for the answer would be very clear. These questions can easily be answered from the scriptures themselves, and anyone who has the Spirit of God living in Him, would then be able to discern the truth on these things.

First of all, to get a grasp of what the New Covenant is we live under today, the book of Hebrews is a book strongly encouraged that you read. There you will discover that the New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant. There is a new priest now, who is Christ Jesus, and there are no more sacrifices for sin, no more need to sacrifice bulls and goats anymore, and because of Jesus’ shed blood on a cross our sins will … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/04/2020

Without Faith it is Impossible to Please God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P7 (05-04-20)


Have you understood what faith is? Is faith something I must muster up in order for God to do something? No, for that would make me the initiator, as the one playing God, and dictating or manipulating God to act, but God is the initiator and I am simply a child of God who responds in faith. Faith is trusting what God has said, and acting on that, but faith cannot make anything happen. When you think of creation, it testifies there is a God. So no man is without excuse, ever able to say that he did not know God exists. That is the beginning of faith.

When you think about a flower, it’s beauty and intricacy, about the marble Earth floating in space and yet there are seasons and years like clockwork, and then animal life, or the birth of a new child, how can you think there is no God? So, when there is a God, and you know he created the apple tree, and you know he created the apple so you can eat and live and have life, then you know … Listen to Broadcast & Read More