Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/01/2021

Jesus Works All Things Out for Our Good

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P621 (04-01-21)


Questions that come up quite frequently are questions in regard to tithing and various passages in the Old Testament. Questions like, “How does that passage apply to me today?” It doesn’t. The most prevalent question is in regard to tithing. “Am I robbing God when I do not tithe?” Absolutely not. If a person understood the New Covenant they are living under today, they would not need to ask such questions, for the answer would be very clear. These questions can easily be answered from the scriptures themselves, and anyone who has the Spirit of God living in Him, would then be able to discern the truth on these things.

First of all, to get a grasp of what the New Covenant is we live under today, the book of Hebrews is a book strongly encouraged that you read. There you will discover that the New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant. There is a new priest now, who is Christ Jesus, and there are no more sacrifices for sin, no more need to sacrifice bulls and goats anymore, and because of Jesus’ shed blood on a cross our sins will … Listen to Broadcast & Read More