Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P46 (08-03-20)
In this flesh of ours, we will have our struggles, this conflict between the Spirit who lives in us and our sin-indwelling flesh. We indeed are weak people. But that is what God wants us to realize about ourselves so that we may boast in Him, rely on Him. We are designed to trust Him, and that comes out of responding to Him. God is the initiator and we are the responder. That is so important for us to realize and understand. He truly is our life.
We love because He first loved us. God is love. God is Agape love. But sometimes, instead of operating in the Spirit, entering into that relationship we have with God, who is living in us, we rely on our feelings. We tend to drift to worldly wisdom, which is no wisdom at all. We think how much more fun it was when we were lost. What kind of thinking is that? That enslaved you, and made you so miserable that you came to Christ for life. Those thoughts are the enemy of our soul. God has so much better … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Monday 8/03/2020”