Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/27/2025

Jesus is the Way to God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P1018 (03-27-25)

Narrow is the WAY, The Way to God

~ “Because strait is the gate, and NARROW is the WAY, which leadeth unto LIFE, and FEW there be that find it. Matthew 7:14

~ Today we have a large group of people that believe they are saved, when in actuality they are NOT saved. And that is not us that are saying it, but it is the word of God. So when you are accused of condemning a person, by something you say directly out of scripture, it is not you that is condemning them, but the Truth hits to the core of what a person believes. If a person believes there are many ways to God, then when they hear you, they will indeed think you are condemning a person, because they themselves overlook the word of God. They say, that “God is a God of mercy,” which is actually true, but a proud person will not receive mercy. They think, they can earn their way to God, or they believe in their heart that they are “basically good.” How many times do we here that repeated ad nauseam by both … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/26/2025

Work of Ministry is to Believe in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Raised To Rest P3 (03-26-25)

Bob George Presents: Raised To Rest P3

~ “Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you should believe in Him whom He has sent.” John 6:29

Today, people are saying they believe in Jesus, but are they really? Or are they giving lip service to the word of God? People say they believe in God, but mention the name of Jesus, and people choke on His name. Oh, don’t talk about religion or Jesus, sure you can mention God, but don’t mention Jesus, because that is religion and people come up with all sorts of excuses for not wanting to listen to the words of God. Satan has done a masterful job of brainwashing everyone, including the Christians, by having their mouths sealed and not mention the name of Jesus. And then people would rather talk about how such and such is going to save America. And Bob made it crystal clear, God doesn’t save countries, He saves individuals. Yet today, most everyone is so caught up in politics that they are responding in fear left and right. Satan strokes the flesh, in what appears to … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/25/2025

Rest in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Raised To Rest P2 (03-25-25)

Bob George Presents: Raised To Rest P2

~ “He made the One not having known sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

Today, the offer of His Rest still stands. Jesus, who is both God, and the Perfect Man of God, became sin for us so that in HIM we might become the righteousness of God. Put aside your religion. Put aside your confession booths. Put aside your 1st John 1:9 false interpretation to “get your sins forgiven.” Put aside your fake “good works.” Put aside everything that you think is going to earn your way to heaven, and rest in His finished work today. God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to Himself, and He is no longer counting any of your sins against you. Share that TRUTH with the world.


And a certain ruler asked Him, saying, “Good Teacher, having done what, will I inherit eternal life?”
And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good, except God alone.

~ “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/24/2025

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Now Rest

Classic Christianity – Raised To Rest P1 (03-24-25)

Bob George Presents: Raised To Rest P1

~ “Therefore, of the promise to enter into His rest left remaining, we should fear, lest ever any of you should seem to have fallen short. And indeed we are those having had the gospel preached just as they did; but the message of their hearing did not profit them, not having been united with the faith of those having heard. For those having believed enter into the rest, as He has said:

“So I swore in my wrath,
‘they shall not enter into My rest.’”

And yet the works have been finished from the foundation of the world. For He has spoken somewhere concerning the seventh day in this way, “And on the seventh day God rested from all His works.” And again in this passage. “They shall not enter into My rest.”

Therefore, since it remains for some to enter into it, and those having received the good news formerly did not enter in because of disobedience, again He appoints a certain day as “Today,” saying through David after so long a time, just as it has been said, “Today, if you shall Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/21/2025

Born Free in English and Spanish

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P1017 (03-21-25)

Today, We Who are In Christ are Witnesses to Jesus to the World

~ “In this way I have aspired to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation. Rather, as it is written:

“Those who were not told about Him will see,

and those who have not heard will understand.”

That is why I have often been hindered from coming to you.” Romans 15:20-22

~ While this was Paul’s message to the church, it is also for us today. The Holy Spirit is guiding each of us who are in Christ Jesus to be a witness to people that do not know Jesus. And there are many today that think they know Jesus, but in fact don’t know the True Jesus as taught in the Word of God. They are still under their religious system of forgiveness, and this is true for both the Catholic and the Protestants. People looking from the outside will say, “There is not much difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, for they both teach ongoing forgiveness by God.” And they would be correct on that. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/20/2025

Baptism and the Lords Supper

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P1016 (03-20-25)

The Body of Christ is the Body of Believers

~ “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you;c do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” 1 Corinthians 11:23-25

~ Understanding the truth of the Lord’s Supper is paramount to understanding Christ in you your hope of glory. The Lord’s Supper is not a place where you do introspection of one’s self, and getting yourself right with God, as though you are asking for more forgiveness. It’s a picture of Christ coming to live in you when you placed faith in Him. It’s a celebration and remembrance of when that occurs in our lives, when the Holy Spirit comes to live in you for all time. You cannot see the Holy Spirit, but He lives in … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message