Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P64 (03-17-25)
Faith in Jesus Gives Eternal Life This Very Moment in Time
~ “I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.” James 5:13
Today, people read that verse and most see it as some future point in time. As though they have no clue that eternal life is in the here and NOW. They have believed the teaching of Man rather than God. Man tells them they can lose eternal life. God says nothing can separate us from His love. Man says, you need to keep on getting your sins forgiven. God says it is Finished! Man says, you have to do good works to be saved, God says, abide in Me. Man says, they are practicing law keeping, God calls them hypocrites, great pretenders. Man says, I have to do this and this in order to be saved. God Jesus says, believe on me to be saved. Do you see the pattern? Man’s ideas of salvation vs God’s truth of salvation are two different things. That’s why we have to constantly remind people … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message