Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P610 (02-19-21)
There are things that are taught in religion or major denominations that are just not in accordance with what is true. We believe it because it was taught to us, frequently enough that we do not even think to ponder over whether it is really true or not. A Baptist pastor teaches what he has been taught from a Baptist seminary. So too, a Presbyterian minister teaches what he has been taught from a Presbyterian seminary. And so too with the Methodists and the Catholics. They are taught to depend on what man tells them rather than depending on the Holy Spirit to reveal to them the meaning of the word of God.
Sadly, none of these denominations agree, and they continue to repeat error, generation after generation. So, the church is in sad shape, and often those who know the truth are compelled to leave because they would be silenced or isolated, called out as being divisive, because what people hear, the truth, is contrary to what they have been taught by men, and they will not or are unable to accept what you say, expounding on the scriptures, … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/19/2021”