Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P26 (09-24-24)
Church is NOT a Place You Go, It’s Who You Are if You Are in Christ Jesus
~ So let’s get real today. No one goes to church. That would be like saying I go to “body,” because the body of Christ is the church today, and no one goes to have body. Yet we use the term lets go have church. How much sense does that make?
Everyone is into their church, church, church, church. What’s your church doing? ‘Our church has morning breakfasts. Well our church has potlucks. And our church has Bible studies. And our church has mission trips planned. And our church is building a bigger building because we have a lot more “church” members now. And our church has such beautiful music, and a band and everything and plays all the modern “Christian music” with all kinds of musical instruments. Well our church has a choir. And our church has drama plays with actors and everything. And our church has men’s and women’s groups. And our church has couples classes. Well our church has singles classes. But our church has such a good Sunday school for our … Listen to Broadcast & Read More