Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/09/2023

Victory Over Depression Teaching

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P815 (03-09-23)

Victory Over Depression Begins With The Truth ~ Jesus!

~ “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

~ Bob George
“Well, Matthew, you know, again, you’re down to that simple truth that if the premise is off, your findings are going to be off. Sure. My sister recently was put into the hospital, she was admitted into the hospital with pneumonia. She didn’t have pneumonia. And so what they the medications they gave her messed her up, she had something far more severe than pneumonia. They’ve discovered cancer. And so the issue is but somebody diagnose pneumonia and then the treatment was off why the premise was off. And so it’s the same thing. We come from a premise that number one, all feelings come from thought. We were designed that way by God. Now, a lot of times when you first expressed this to people, it is so obvious, but it is it’s life changing to grab a hold of that all of your thoughts come pray, excuse me, your feelings are designed by God to predictably to respond to whatever we’re … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/23/2023

Classic Christianity and Bible Studies

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P811 (02-23-23)

Offer Your Bodies As A Living Sacrifice

~ “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1

~ Mitzi > “And Thursday, I got this letter from Joe Cushman in Mount Olive West Virginia. And he says, Thank you for the free life newsletter that came today, March 4, it’s the first one I’ve received and the articles are very refreshing. In 1997, God used Classic Christianity by Bob George to bring me to Christ. I had been a member of a very legalistic church for 20 years, and the law brought me to Christ. God used Classic Christianity to show me the rest of the gospel, that my problem was death, and I needed life. And that life could only be received in the person of Jesus Christ. At that moment, I invited Jesus into my heart and I was born again. In Christ, I’m finding everything I spent 59 years looking for, to fill a void that only Christ can fill. Jesus is supplying my … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/09/2023

New Covenant Forgive One Another as God Has Forgiven You

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P807 (02-09-23)

We Live Under a New Covenant Today

~` Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” Hebrews 10:17

~ “And so again, that was, that was true, up until the time of the New Covenant, that was ushered in at the death of Christ Jesus. And under the Old Covenant, he said, he gave us laws to keep, but he said, We didn’t keep them. And so therefore, he found fault with the people and declared, therefore that a New Covenant would go into existence whereby their sins and lawless acts, I will remember no more. And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins. And so that is the new covenant in comparison to the old covenant,. What was wrong with the old? Man couldn’t keep it, Right. Remember how Paul said that there was nothing wrong with the law, it’s holy and good, but when it flows through mid kills me, so it became an instrument of death to me instead of an instrument of life. Okay. And so that’s the purpose of the law is to show you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/03/2023

Are You a Professor or a Possessor of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P806 (02-03-23)

Are You a Professor or a Possessor of Jesus?

~ So many times people give lip service to what Jesus did on the cross. They do not place faith in the finished work, because by their actions they call God a liar. And at the same time, they also camp on the idea that one could lose their eternal salvation, because as a matter-of-fact, they don’t even understand what salvation is. Salvation is receiving Jesus, his eternal life in you, when you place faith in him for everything he did and having taken away the sins of the world (your sins too are included in that) at the cross, we can now shout it from the rooftop, It is FINISHED! Listen as Bob shares Truth with callers on the air.

~ “People who argue or even discuss, losing salvation, don’t know what salvation is. Salvation is an eternal act done by God on a person’s behalf and when God has given an eternal act that’s eternal. But again, what we’re saved from is the consequence of sin, which is Death, The wages of sin is death. But the gift of God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/25/2023

Jesus Took Away All Sins on The Cross

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P47 (01-25-23)

Quit Asking for What Jesus HAS Already Done ~ God FORGAVE You at the Cross!

~ They can’t be brought back to repentance, because they never repented to begin with! They are crucifying Jesus over and over again, Catholics and Protestants alike.

~ “And who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.” Hebrews 6:6

~ “But you see where we are absolutely petrified of freedom, what freedom means to us, and unfortunately, too many Christians, evangelical Christians, what freedom means is that you’re free to go out there and live like the devil.

Well, I want to see if that’s what Galatians three said. It said you were called brothers. You my brothers were called to be free. Now, if God called us to be free, then why would we as Born Again Christians be fearful of freedom? Why would we be fearful of telling people, you’ve been called to be set free. When God set you free? It’s because we think we know more than what … Listen to Broadcast & Read More