Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/06/2024

Closer Look at Word of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P967 (09-06-24)

Verify in the Word of God to See if Things Are True as Stated by Others

~ We hear a lot of things today, where some member of a band or some well known movie star, “supposedly” becomes a Christian. And low and behold, years later they show their true colors. And folks, it’s all by design from Satan to get a person to focus on this person or that person instead of the word of God. When you dig down into the details, and now we even have additional insight into these details because everything is quickly at our fingertips online, and we can see what others believe and even what other pastors teach, in regards to their understanding of salvation, or what they think of salvation as believing the lie that a person gets their sins forgiven when they repent of all their sins, and these are nothing more than stories in the so called news, to get you to focus on that person, instead of the Truth of the word of God. People fall for these stories hook, line and sinker. They hear a story, that this person … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/05/2024

Classic Christianity Illustrated and Classic Christianity

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P966 (09-05-24)

Only Those That Have the Holy Spirit in Them Have the Spirit of TRUTH

~ We live in a world of great deception today, and many have substituted the world around them, as though that is where they are going to find all Truth taught, in a building, or some man, or some religious institution, or some denomination, or even some church assembly, and they Trust that over and above the Word of God. You will hear them say things like, “Well my pastor teaches this in regards to tithing.” Or, “My pastor teaches that if I’m not producing fruit of the Spirit, then I’m not saved.” Or, “You need to get right with the Lord, and repent of ALL of your sins, or you will not have eternal life.” We could go on with even more examples of the lies that are spread, but know this, this is the teaching of MAN not God.

So where does a person go to find ALL Truth, and how does a person learn to recognize the Truth and identify the lies of Satan? First off, a person needs to have the Holy Spirit … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/25/2024

The Peace of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P954 (07-25-24)

Fear Not. For The Jesus That is in Your Today, is in Your Tomorrow

~ When we are in Christ, and He is in us, we can rest in the fact that the Jesus of my today will be with me in my tomorrow. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God. When we make decisions today, we need to understand that we can only make a decision for this very moment in time. The decisions we make today should be made based on Truth, not based on fear on what may or may not happen. However, we know that we will face tribulation in life no matter what. So in everything we do, we ought to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in All truth and let the chips fall where they may. For Jesus told us that in this world we will have tribulation. But when we trust in him, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. That is who we need to focus on, Jesus, and He will make all our paths straight. The bottom line is, “Do not let your heart be troubled and … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/26/2024

Only What is of Faith in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P928 (04-26-24)

Without Faith, it is Impossible to Please God

~ Many people came to Jesus thinking they were getting their sins forgiven. It’s placing the wrong emphasis on themselves (and asking for forgiveness of God) instead of placing trust in Jesus and what he did on the cross for them. They don’t understand that they were physically born forgiven by God, but in need of life through the Holy Spirit coming to live in them when they place faith in Jesus. So what happens many times, is a person thinks in their mind that something is a sin (whether it really is or not), but they think it is a sin, that God is somehow up there with a clipboard keeping track of everyone’s sins and is going to cause them to lose their salvation. Yet even there, they don’t understand that salvation is Eternal life. Once a person has the Holy Spirit living in them, there is nothing that can kick out the Holy Spirit. They have the Holy Spirit forever for eternal life. Our faith needs to be in Jesus, NOT ourselves.

~ “But without faith it is impossible to Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 06/23/2023

Forgive as the Lord Forgave You

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P846 (06-23-23)

Forgive as The Lord Forgave You!

~ A false teaching of forgiveness is still being taught by most pastors and teachers that forgiveness is ongoing from God. Because of this misunderstanding of forgiveness in the New Covenant today, people think the person has to keep going to God for more forgiveness between God and them. They in essence don’t believe ALL their sins were forgiven at the cross, and thus believe more forgiveness is required by God. The truth of the matter is Jesus FORGAVE you (past tense) of ALL of your sins at the cross. Not some of your sins, but ALL of them. Do you believe this? Or, are you placing faith in the teaching of men rather than God?

~ “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13

~ “While Jesus was talking to his disciples there [in Matthew 18:21-22], there weren’t any Christians. So that’s the first thing you have to get straight. No one was truly born again of the Spirit until the day of Pentecost. And that was … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/08/2023

The New Covenant is New

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P841 (06-08-23)

We Are Under a New Covenant Today! Exercise Faith.

~ There are a great number of pastors and teachers today that are teaching legalism in one form or another. An indicator is they teach error in teaching tithing is for today. They will cherry pick the old testament scriptures, attempting to make people feel guilty about not paying tithes, as though tithing is for today. Tithing was old covenant. We live in a new covenant today. The tithe was set up to support the old covenant Levitical priesthood. Today, we have a new priest, Jesus Christ, one that lives forever. So legalistic pastors and teachers will still push the tithe yet forget about all the other aspects of the law. The teaching of tithing for today is an indicator of what these people really believe and teach. Get away from these legalistic corrupt teachers, stop listening to them, stop giving to them (exercise faith) because it says, they have a perverted corrupt mind of those that teach godliness is a means to financial gain.

~ “If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood—and indeed the law given to the Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message