Radio Broadcast Monday 08/16/2021

Taken Away Forever

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P4 (08-16-21)

What the Cross Made Possible for Mankind: An Indestructible Life

What did Jesus’ shed blood on a cross make possible for you and I? And, if Jesus was not raised from the dead, would all that was made possible by the cross be a reality in our life? Think about these questions as you ponder over the passages of scriptures in Hebrews, where the New Covenant God made, not just with the Israelites, but with all of mankind, is explained. Looking at specific passages in scriptures, such as Hebrews 9:22, 27-28, Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:1-18, what conclusions can you come to in regard to the totality of the cross? What can you say in regard to the forgiveness of sins, of being made holy, to be made complete, in Christ?

What God has done for us in this New Covenant is He tells us that He will remember our sins no more and where these have been forgiven there is no longer any sacrifice for sins. In order to usher in a New Covenant, what was done in order for God, through His resurrected life, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/21/2021

Faith Says Thank You to God Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P26 (07-21-21)

What Is Faith?

Faith sounds like a churchy word, but have you ever pondered what that means? Is it faith in the mystical, the mystical body of Christ? Is it faith that God exists? What exactly is faith? A better question is in whom should you place your faith in for what really matters. If I know I am a sinner, and that sin is what caused my death, then not only do I need forgiveness of sins, but I need life, for sin is what caused my death. Who is the only person who can and did accomplish that for me? Who alone has already forgiven my sins and has offered me life?

Forgiveness cannot give eternal life. It can only be a necessary preparation for eternal life to be given. For if Jesus did not eternally take away the sins of the world, then eternal life could not be given, because the next time man sins he would die again. Only LIFE can give life, and the only person with life in His name, who has no sin of His own and who was raised from … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/31/2021

Faith in Jesus Says Thank You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P3 (05-31-21)


The book of Hebrews, particularly chapters 7-10, explains this New Covenant, as the scriptures testify in 2 Corinthians 3:6, that we are made ministers of. The New Testament is the testament, covenant, or will that God replaced the Old Covenant with because the old one could make no one perfect, because it was weak and useless. The problem was not with the law, being holy, right and good, but with us, because we could not keep it. Under an Old Covenant, the man who sins shall surely die. Under the New Covenant, the man who believes shall surely live. The belief is in a person who can fulfill the law for us and did, and that person is Jesus Christ.

Jesus did something for us we could never do. He fulfilled the just requirements of the law for us, paid the punishment of death for sin for us in full, and then was raised to new life, to give us His resurrected life to be received as a gift. So then He was able to set aside the Old Covenant of the law of sin and death … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message