Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P24 (12-02-20)
So Jesus fulfilled everything that was written about Him through the prophets, in the Psalms by King David around 1000 B.C., through Micah, around 500 B.C. and through Isaiah, around 700 B.C., and through other prophets as well. Did they understand what they were writing? No. But the Holy Spirit spoke through them, and they wrote down what they heard. They had some revelation but certainly did not understand everything that they wrote down.
All of us were born without the Spirit of God living in us, including the prophets. Truth had to be revealed to men by the Spirit of God, even to the prophets, not what the word of God says, but what the word of God means. Now, certainly the prophets had certain revelation revealed to them in their time in history. Even Abraham believed God and that was credited to him as righteousness. We read about the faith of many of these Old Testament people in the book of Hebrews, and that faith they had led to certain action and behavior. They trusted God, that God was able to fulfill what He had promised.… Listen to Broadcast & Read More