Radio Broadcast Wednesday 9/02/2020

Jesus Wants Your Availability

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P60 (09-02-20)


It is so important to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. To worship God, you must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. If you have the Spirit of God living in you, you have truth living in you. Truth will not lead you to the pattern of this world. Truth will be transforming you by renewing your mind, not by altering it.

Much of psychology is about altering your mind. But Christ living in you is about changing attitudes of heart and thinking in the new way of the Spirit, in accordance with how God intended you to function, with Him living in you. Who would you rather go to for truth, God your creator, who knows how the mind works, or the psychologist, who most likely does not even know God and is relying on the thinking patterns of this world, and relying on his own understanding?

As a lost person, you cannot worship God because you do not have truth living in you. How can you worship someone you do not know? But when you are born again, you know God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/14/2019

Jesus Fulfilled The Law In Perfect Love

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P491 (11-14-19)


Several people called to ask common questions. Many things are not properly understood because people are not reading the word for themselves, not letting the Holy Spirit teach them, or would rather believe what some denominational persuasion has them convinced is true. Such is the case of many of the callers who call.

These callers called because they wanted to know truth and Bob graciously answered their questions from what the Holy Spirit has revealed to him. Is tithing for today? What about Malachi? Am I robbing God? What is the way of giving under the New Covenant? Is God punishing me because I married out of wedlock, and now I am pregnant and had a miscarriage? Should I always turn the other cheek? Should I keep giving to someone who continuously steals from me? What is the line drawn on forgiving somebody? What really is forgiving someone? Am I enabling someone when I keep giving and giving to a person who never changes his stupid or sinful behavior? What happened in the garden of Eden? What happened to all mankind? Can man get that life back again?

These and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/19/2019

Be Transformed Renew Your Mind

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P474 (9-19-19)


Rainey from Albany, NY

Rainey: I am reading Classic Christianity, and calling the number at the end of the book. I am dealing with depression. I have had a very difficult childhood, with divorce. I thought I got over most of the stuff. I was always religious, a Catholic growing up, and thought I would become a nun. I think anti-depressants help. I get messages that I do not have enough faith.

Bob: Let me see if I can help you. If you have depression, I can help you with that. Psychiatric patients are like that because they are obsessed with the past or the future. The first thing you have to understand is that God created you that our feelings will predictably respond to what you are thinking. As an example, “Have you ever felt the emotion of jealousy? What were you thinking? Jealous thoughts. That is why we are feeling thoughts of jealousy. Are we together?

Rainey: Yes. It is hard to keep a thought from entering.

Bob: Have you ever felt sad? Have you ever felt happy? What were you thinking? Happy thoughts. Have you ever felt … Listen to Broadcast & Read More