Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/22/2019

The Apostle Paul

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P2 (10-22-19)


Bob George now starts in the book of Romans, after providing some introductory background on the life of Paul. Through just the first seven verses of Romans, Bob explains the meaning of words, such as sin, forgiveness, sanctified (set apart), slave, ambassador, saint, truth, gospel, obedience and faith, that we often take for granted, and such words are often not properly understood. The Greek language provides a more precise rendering that helps our understanding in some cases.

The gospel is the message of good news of Jesus Christ and Paul is called as an ambassador of Jesus Christ to bring this good news and explain it to the Gentile world. Ambassador is not a short term function he is assigned to do. He is called as an ambassador, as an identification or designation. It is like the word forgiveness. It not something we get but something we already have. An ambassador for God is one who represents God in a foreign country, the place on earth, to proclaim truth.

Now truth to be truth, truth must be universal, for all people, for all times and for all places. The prosperity gospel … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/21/2019

Introduction to the Book of Romans

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P1 (10-21-19)


Bob George introduces the book of Romans by first providing background information into this man names Saul of Tarsus, later called Paul. Bob shares from the book of Acts to provide historical background into the nature and character of Saul before his conversion, then his encounter with the living Christ, his unique conversion experience, and then his calling by God to be an apostle to the Gentiles, to bring the gospel message before the Gentile world and before king and magistrates. Much of what we know of the gospel of good news is explained quite thoroughly through the writings of the apostle Paul. The majority of the New Testament we hold in our hands is through the apostle Paul. An ambassador is someone who is called to represent another party in another place and with a specific mission and with the authority to carry out that mission. Paul clearly received a mission by no other person except Jesus Christ, who called him and told him what he was to do and that he would suffer greatly for the cause of Christ.


Let us turn to the book of Romans. I … Listen to Broadcast & Read More