Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P990 (12-05-24)
Jesus Took Away All Our Sins on the Cross
Behold the Lamb of God Who Took Away the Sins of the World!
~ When a person comes to know the True Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live in them and gives them eternal life immediately. He makes us a new creature in Christ Jesus. Prior to that, we were all dead in our unbelief, and did not have the Holy Spirit living in us. After salvation, the Spirit comes to live in a person forever, and nothing can separate us from Him, NOT even ourselves. He makes us a new creature, where our spirit is merged with His Spirit, and we become a child of God forever.
Now a person who is in Christ Jesus has a choice. We can either choose to listen to the Holy Spirit living in us, and wants to teach us ALL Truth, or we can listen to our flesh, that wants to believe the Lies of Satan and the world. The flesh wars against the Spirit, because the flesh is proud of itself. It wants to feel like it is doing something special for … Listen to Broadcast & Read More