Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P10 (10-10-22)
Jesus Wants You to Enter Into The Promised Land
~ Just as the Israelites of the days they came out of Egypt and crossed over the Red Sea, by the power of God, they still refused to go into the promised land, we are much like them today. They refused to trust God and refused to cross over from the desert, into a land flowing with milk and honey. So too with us. We get saved and are set free from being a slave in Egypt, but still live as a slave in the desert. We fail to trust God and cross over into the promised land. We can be busy and barren in the desert or we can live in the promised land that Jesus provided for us and be rich and alive in Christ Jesus, where you rest from your works and live in Him. The choice is yours. You will not be happy in the desert though and you will never be able to go back to Egypt either. You will hate it in the desert. You will only have manna to eat and will … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message