Radio Broadcast Monday 10/10/2022

The Desert or The Promised Land

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P10 (10-10-22)

Jesus Wants You to Enter Into The Promised Land

~ Just as the Israelites of the days they came out of Egypt and crossed over the Red Sea, by the power of God, they still refused to go into the promised land, we are much like them today. They refused to trust God and refused to cross over from the desert, into a land flowing with milk and honey. So too with us. We get saved and are set free from being a slave in Egypt, but still live as a slave in the desert. We fail to trust God and cross over into the promised land. We can be busy and barren in the desert or we can live in the promised land that Jesus provided for us and be rich and alive in Christ Jesus, where you rest from your works and live in Him. The choice is yours. You will not be happy in the desert though and you will never be able to go back to Egypt either. You will hate it in the desert. You will only have manna to eat and will … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/10/2022

Jesus Promised the Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P18 (01-10-22)

We Live by Faith Not by Sight

The way we live the Christian life is by faith, not sight. Most all believers look forward to being at home with Jesus, but while we are here, God has a mission for us. He has given us a ministry of the Holy Spirit for each of us. Now that ministry of the Holy Spirit is not doing things in the flesh. The flesh is that which rears it’s ugly head from time to time, and we think we are doing something good based on our own understanding of things. Or, that which makes us really feel good inside (because it is something “we” ourselves are doing), yet it may not be something the Holy Spirit would have you do.

Understanding our rewards given to believers is based on what we have allowed the Holy Spirit to do in and through us. Giving a cup of water. Or sharing a word of God to a person hurting. Comforting a stranger with a kind word. The things that as we are led by the Holy Spirit to do will stand … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/07/2021

A Closer Look at The Word of God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P27 (04-07-21)


In this life, it is sad when those you minister to the most hurt you the most. This happened to the apostle Paul, to Jesus, and still happens today. So how do we fight such things? Not by the weapons of this world. Not with envy, strife, or jealousy, or revenge. No, we fight with truth. Truth is what sets people free. Think about Peter who betrayed Jesus. Jesus told him ahead of time what he would do, but that he prayed for him, and after he returned, to go strengthen his brothers. We like redemption stories like that, and all of us have been redeemed, who are in Christ Jesus. God is always about our restoration. He uses truth to restore people to proper functioning. For the truth shall set you free.

So what are the weapons used against false teachers? Truth. Will truth always be well received? No. All the apostles were martyred for speaking truth, except the apostle John. But he was persecuted for the truth and was exiled to the island of Patmos. Yet, even from there, we have the rich prophetic … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/21/2019

Introduction to the Book of Romans

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P1 (10-21-19)


Bob George introduces the book of Romans by first providing background information into this man names Saul of Tarsus, later called Paul. Bob shares from the book of Acts to provide historical background into the nature and character of Saul before his conversion, then his encounter with the living Christ, his unique conversion experience, and then his calling by God to be an apostle to the Gentiles, to bring the gospel message before the Gentile world and before king and magistrates. Much of what we know of the gospel of good news is explained quite thoroughly through the writings of the apostle Paul. The majority of the New Testament we hold in our hands is through the apostle Paul. An ambassador is someone who is called to represent another party in another place and with a specific mission and with the authority to carry out that mission. Paul clearly received a mission by no other person except Jesus Christ, who called him and told him what he was to do and that he would suffer greatly for the cause of Christ.


Let us turn to the book of Romans. I … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message