Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/01/2024

Salvation is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P912 (03-01-24)

Salvation is the Life of Jesus in Us

~ People today want to put Jesus back up on the cross. They are argumentative over the fact that Jesus said it is finished! People that are lost are saying you can lose salvation, and it’s clear they don’t have a clue what salvation is. Think about it folks, if you can lose eternal life (salvation is eternal life), then that is calling God a liar. And the people bow and pray to Satan’s lies. They are not trusting in the word of God. They are listening to agents of Satan left and right. They are not willing to listen to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. They are blaspheming the Holy Spirit, the One that teaches All Truth. The Holy Spirit points us to Jesus. Jesus is the one who took the sins of the whole world on himself. And yet there are people that say Jesus didn’t die for everyone’s sins. You will even hear that type of blaspheming by so-called grace teachers too. People would rather listen to lies than TRUTH. And when you hear a person that wants to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/29/2024

Salvation is Eternal Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P911 (02-29-24)

Salvation is Eternal Life

~ The sin that so easily entangles is unbelief in the finished work of the cross. No matter where you go, the lies of Satan are taught to make you think that you need more forgiveness by God. The sin of unbelief is easy to entangle a person. A person focuses on what man says instead of the teaching of God. And Satan, through his agents will make salvation mean something completely different. People then become hooked on the idea that a person can lose something based on their own works or lack of works of righteousness. But we always need to back up to the truth of the word of God. Don’t let anyone knock you out of the race. Jesus is the perfector of our faith, NOT man, and certainly not yourself. It’s time to set the record straight in your mind, and get rid of the stuff that hinders you. Stop listening to Satan’s agents. Stop listening to what the world tells you is good. For all of that stuff has been inverted, and what is good is called evil and what is evil … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/23/2024

What About 1 John 1:9

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P910 (02-23-24)

Quit Insulting the Spirit of Grace

~ The book of Hebrews is all about faith vs walking around in unbelief. People continually insult the Spirit of grace when they keep on asking for what God has already done. It is finished. Forgiveness is done with. Today God is NOT forgiving anyone’s sins. He forgave (past tense) everyone’s sins at the cross. He forgave ALL Your Sins at the Cross. And without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. So when a person keeps on asking God for more forgiveness, it makes a mockery of the cross and insults the Spirit of Grace. It’s spitting in the face of God, calling God a liar.

Get rid of listening to liars and deceivers of the word of God. You know in your heart, if the Holy Spirit lives in you, He is testifying to the fact that forgiveness is finished. So why would anyone give to liars and deceivers? Why would anyone support ministries that teach the lie of Satan? Why would anyone give to build better jail cells for the agents of Satan? Quit supporting those that insult the Spirit of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/22/2024

The Finality of the Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P909 (02-22-24)

Rest in the Finality of the Cross

~ Today, people have all kinds of idols set on their mantels, their walls, and in the recesses of their minds. Most worship at the foot of man made creations, and statues, and paintings, and alters, and buildings, and made up images of Mary and Jesus that are nothing more than objects that Satan wants you to worship. Many even worship the image of a cross or a crucifix, and think that pleases God. They worship people, politicians, actors, singers, and even worship ministers as though they have all the answers. Yet most pastors and ministers today are agents for Satan. That should be obvious to the most casual observer, for most are teaching big time lies of Satan, that actually deny the finality of the cross. People listen to what their itching ears want to hear, and could care less what the Holy Spirit wants to teach them. Catholics bow down to their idols in their buildings. Protestants bow down to idols in their minds. Catholics and Protestants don’t care what the Truth is, and who the TRUTH is, and what the TRUTH … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

New Years P5 Radio Broadcast Friday 01/05/2024

Jesus Sets You Apart as The Temple of God

Classic Christianity – New Years P5 (01-05-24)

Are You Worshipping God or Are You Worshipping Man?

~ The wise men, the Magi, bowed down and worshipped Jesus. The Magi knew who Jesus was. They knew the scriptures. They knew, the little boy Jesus that they were in front of was God in flesh, for they bowed down in total submission and worshipped him. And the Magi further exercised more faith when being warned in a dream NOT to go back to Herod, they instead went to their homeland through another route.

Today, our worship is when we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, because Jesus lives in the temple of God, the body of the child of God, and to offer our bodies is our true and proper worship.

But many today are not offering their bodies as a living sacrifice. And many times, the reason is they themselves are not saved, and do not have the Holy Spirit living in them. They have believed in the teaching of man rather than the teaching of God. They don’t believe their sins were forgiven at the cross. They instead believe in a different Jesus. Most … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

New Years P4 Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/04/2024

Faith in Jesus Sets You Apart

Classic Christianity – New Years P4 (01-04-24)

Jesus Came to Divide ~ Set You Apart From the World ~ Truth Divides

~ Most people today think that Jesus came to bring peace to the world. He did not come to bring peace, but a sword. He came to divide people. He came with His Word of Truth that will always cause division today. Why? Because Truth always divides. Today, many are able to see the tares from the wheat. Those that are abiding in the Holy Spirit, and with the increase in knowledge, we are seeing those that are really the tares. And as we get closer to the harvest, the tares are sticking out like a sore thumb. The tares are not interested in the Truth, but they are interested only in the spreading of Satan’s lies. They are Judas goats, leading the sheep to the slaughter. And be aware that the tares are in the churches today big time. They are gate keepers, keeping people from depending on the Holy Spirit for ALL truth, but instead are agents of Satan, spreading Satan’s lies.

Yet when a person is in Christ, and Christ is living in them, the Holy … Listen to Broadcast & Read More