Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P55 (03-16-20)
There is nothing we can do to make ourselves acceptable to God. Now that is difficult to grasp by many people. Why is that? Is it because they do not know what sin really is or what righteousness really is? Most people tend to evaluate themselves next to how other people are doing. After all, they say, “I never murdered anyone one like Adolf Hitler”. They see sin in categories, where actions are greater than attitudes, committing adultery is worse than lust or murder is worse than anger or jealousy. Many view sin as a numerical counting system, where adultery gets you 10 points, stealing 9, and the other things we do a lot more of, such as lying, gets you one or two points. So many people think as if God grades on a curve, that somehow if your good outweighs your bad, then you will make it into heaven.
But that is not how God operates. God is so holy he cannot look upon sin. Sin is defined as anything that does not come from faith. The attitudes of the heart are treated just as if you committed the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More