Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/29/2024

Vine and Branches

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P920 (03-29-24)

Abide in the Holy Spirit When He Lives in You

~ People want to be God today. They think they can keep themselves clean. They think they can produce good works. They think they can produce the fruit of the Spirit by the energy of their flesh. They still don’t have a clue of how Jesus really lived as the perfect Man of God. It’s important for us to understand that Jesus, being God in flesh, is also the Perfect Man of God too. And Jesus said he does NOTHING other than what the Father tells him to do. He also said, he says Nothing other than what the Father tells him to say. Yet today, people think they can be God themselves. There is nothing new under the sun. People think they can be righteous by keeping short accounts with God. People think they can be holy by doing or not doing something. They live under a misunderstanding of scripture today. They are still slaves to sin (unbelief). And it takes the Holy Spirit living in a person to show them ALL truth.

~ “I am the true vine, and Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/11/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P10 (11-11-19)


We are now starting Romans 2. Bob recaps what he talked about last week, that he is not ashamed of the gospel, and neither should we, who are in Christ Jesus. Paul proclaims this gospel in Christ Jesus to the Roman empire with all its pomp and prestige, with its great army and as the leader of the known world. He addressed the sin of homosexuality, and pointed out that unlike other sin, people are taunting it. The root attitude of all sin is the attitude of “I do not need God” and “I will do it my way”. When a society of people decide for themselves right from wrong, with a government that forms such attitudes, they silence and eventually persecute the church, the people of God.

Now, Paul addresses first the Gentile, the most heathen nation on the face of the earth. Then he addresses the Jews. Both the Jew and the Gentile are both born in sin, dead spiritually. The Gentiles, who never had the law, are by nature doing things deserving of death. The Jews, who had the law, are boasting how self righteous they are, and … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message